shuckster t1_j25q6fd wrote
The whole “it might have happened already” argument that everyone says about these things might not turn out right.
I mean, if the warping of spacetime for the purpose of FTL travel isn’t possible under any condition, then we can say causality itself propagates at the speed-of-light.
Which means Betelgeuse will explode when we see it explode, not “600 years ago already”.
jidar t1_j25rgnr wrote
I was going to argue at the start of your post but you stuck the landing.
Okay yeah, causality travels at c.
tacoeater1234 t1_j25ulhp wrote
This is how I like to look at the progression of time. It's much simpler and consistent, in a lot of ways.
Taxoro t1_j25un5i wrote
>then we can say causality itself propagates at the speed-of-light.
You got it backwards lol. What we call speed of light or 3*10^8 m/s is actually the speed of causality. That's why it's denoted as "c". It's light that propagates at the speed of causality.
shuckster t1_j25wu96 wrote
> The speed of light in vacuum is usually denoted by a lowercase c, for "constant" or the Latin celeritas (meaning 'swiftness, celerity')
Still, even if you were right I don’t think you need convincing that many here are optimistic about warp-drives eventually becoming an actual thing.
If so, then we’ll have to choose another letter for “c”. I’d vote for “b”, meaning “bulb” in honour of that sly huckster Edison.
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