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Bluebaron88 t1_j0p6fk3 wrote

This looks on par with looking through an 8” dob. Are these images reflective of what you see looking through the scope yourself?


InternationalBack472 OP t1_j0p6lzq wrote

Not really. The amount of detail I see with my naked eyes is a little less than these images. I stacked the best frames for above images. Thanks!


Bluebaron88 t1_j0pawtx wrote

I was hoping they were. 8” dob is heavy and maybe not worth the aperture fever. Nice images.


InternationalBack472 OP t1_j0pazqb wrote

So maybe a 12 inch will do for really great images?


FartOfGenius t1_j0pfxe1 wrote

I once went to my university observatory with a 16 inch Newtonian, sadly where I live the skies aren't great, even with clear skies I don't recall Jupiter and Saturn looking any better than the images you have here. The detail on the moon was much better though