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ProTechYoNeck t1_j1odkm2 wrote

Ok so saying this balloon is a perfect circle with no nipple, the surface of the balloon would be the universe and the space on either side of that surface would be nothing right?


Drew_pew t1_j1odug6 wrote

Yup, exactly. The idea of the space on either side being “nothing” is extremely hard to fathom for me honestly, but it’s the only way to interpret an expanding finite universe (that I know of).


ProTechYoNeck t1_j1og0fg wrote

I mean unless the distance between the opposite sides of the surface is a number between 1 to 0 which can be infinite.

I get what you are saying. I'm still skeptical of the current idea being presented here. There are still anomalies that are seen in the cosmic microwave background that stands either for or against the current model but, it's still up for debate.

I appreciate your willingness to discuss the topic in a civil manner. Only thing I'll leave you with is to continue to question the way the data is being interpreted. It might lead you somewhere you might not have thought about