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Mackheath1 t1_j24nkmb wrote

Exactly why I stay quiet about it and about it with my religious friends - if it's not harming you or anyone else, I'll just watch from the sideline.


xxx_pussyslayer_420 t1_j24s20r wrote

So basically having your fortune told is being told of various possibilities and events that befall everyone. I guess sometimes people need to hear it to find comfort and hope. I don't see why fortune tellers these days can't just go with that angle:

"what I am about to tell you is what befalls everyone at some point in their lives. This may happen to you some day or maybe it won't but know of these things so you may always be prepared." - turns on fog machine


Mackheath1 t1_j28rjgx wrote

Yes. I have a friend who occasionally goes to 'psychics'. At first I wanted to ask, "Uh, how much do you pay them??" But after hearing her description about how they talk about her relationships, worries, stresses, hopes, etc.

The psychic who sees many people a day, doesn't give her false promises or anything, but is more like a therapist. And honestly, in this particular situation, I'd say better than a therapist. And cheaper.