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Raeandray t1_j0gj8jp wrote

No one disagrees with our current understanding of the laws of the universe the FTL travel appears to be impossible.

But its the height of arrogance to claim it actually is impossible, and it will always be impossible. The nuclear bomb would've been thought impossible 1,000 years ago. You don't know what discoveries could be made in our understanding in the future.


s1ngular1ty2 t1_j0gjupg wrote

It's not arrogance to say FTL is impossible with our understanding of physics because it is. There is also no observations of ANYTHING ever moving FTL from any experiment or space observation. This kind of implies it's impossible.

You have a laymans understanding of physics. We have a VERY GOOD understanding of most things. We can predict what the universe looked like less than a fraction of a second after the big bang and have proof of this from particle colliders.

Our physics is EXTREMELY good. There are very few questions left that would change our understanding in a such a profound way that suddenly FTL is possible.

You can hope as much as you want, but the probability of FTL ever being possible is next to zero.


Raeandray t1_j0gn5xq wrote

> It's not arrogance to say FTL is impossible with our understanding of physics

That's not what you said.

>No I mean all FTL methods are impossible... Cause they are all impossible

This is what you said.

I agree our current understanding of physics suggests its impossible.


s1ngular1ty2 t1_j0gnboy wrote

Yeah and our physics is not likely to change to make it possible.