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zoinkability t1_j09gme3 wrote

According to this calculator a roughly 100m ring going 3 rpm would have a tangential velocity of about 30 m/s. Which is about 70 miles per hour. So while it is an interesting theoretical question, practically you’re not running nearly that fast unless you’re a cheetah.


decomposition_ t1_j0a7baq wrote

A car driving 70mph?


zoinkability t1_j0a8b8u wrote

With the rotation = 2g

Against = 0g

Probably the practical limitation there would be that the car’s grip would reduce as it sped up running against the rotation, so it might be hard to actually get going that fast.

Assuming there was some kind of track or other setup that allowed the vehicle to get to 70 safely, yes, the person would experience weightlessness and basically fly.


scottimusprimus t1_j0br2py wrote

Out of curiosity, I just used that calculator to find that a windmill with a 209 foot radius running at 10 rpm (which is at the low end) will pull 7 Gs at the tip of the blades. 28.5 Gs at the high end (20 rpm). I got these lengths and speeds while searching for averages from google, so they could be off.