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VE3VVS t1_j115342 wrote

We are basing our understanding of space travel on things we know, (current rocket technology), or things we hypothesize, (wormholes, etc), but these things are fairly recent in the existence of modern human technology.

There is also the things that have not yet been thought of, an idea that is yet to be born, or for that matter a person yet to be born that will have a "new" idea that will change everything. How many times has that happened already?

There is also the possibility that we may indeed meet another intelligent race, however unlikely that maybe, but I just pose these things that are things that have not happened, look at the cellphone, the James Webb telescope, even nuclear fusion that only the other day came one small step closer to being reality.

Will this happen in my life time, not a hope in hell, will it happen in your or your children, who knows. I do believe that one day, we will be able to answer the OP question, let alone demonstrate it.

In my humble opinion, don't down vote me for my opinion, just food for thought.