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SamePhotograph2 t1_j0uxd9t wrote

I would wager Europa. Life as we understand it needs water to exist, and since we believe Europa has liquid water oceans, it may be possible that we will find life in those oceans, under the miles-thick ice, being warmed by a possibly-active core.


soon-it-will-be-2030 t1_j0uyll5 wrote

I'm guessing that would only entail marine life then. Its a possible contender of course, but how would life genuinely evolve or exist under massive sheets of ice?


BoredAtWork-__ t1_j0v3rui wrote

Realistically it’s more likely to be some sort of bacteria than any sort of sentient life. But just finding bacteria on another planet/moon in our solar system would essentially prove the existence of life elsewhere in the galaxy