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Dry_Operation_9996 t1_j1tsins wrote

probably a lot if you can build skyscrapers tall enough and they all sleep in pods.


PoorPauly t1_j1tsyrw wrote

You could fit every human on earth into an area around the size of Los Angeles.


Siellus t1_j1tt8su wrote

Depends on the conditions required to allow humans to survive on pluto.

If you're talking every human suddenly being able to withstand -300 degree weather and breath in space etc - Then probably a couple hundred million max.

If you're talking bio-domes or subterranian structures. up to one or two million max probably.


ironman_8 t1_j1ttdso wrote

A lot! Have you seen the series The Expanse? You will get an exact idea!


leknarf52 t1_j1ttjox wrote

If we could deal with the environment, the whole human population would fit no problem.


space-ModTeam t1_j1tto28 wrote

Hello u/Key_Abbreviations769, your submission "Hypothetically speaking, how many humans could live on Pluto?" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

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