[deleted] t1_j19p3wr wrote
[deleted] t1_j19ry3e wrote
[deleted] t1_j19vvkh wrote
[deleted] t1_j1a2flw wrote
[deleted] t1_j1a4lgr wrote
[deleted] t1_j1adels wrote
[deleted] t1_j1adh9b wrote
[deleted] t1_j1adnss wrote
[deleted] t1_j1adw4a wrote
boyyouguysaredumb t1_j1aeu93 wrote
Is this subreddit just full of bots? This is the #1 post right now and none of the comments in here even make any sense right now
[deleted] t1_j1aewk6 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1afhqv wrote
[deleted] t1_j1agthr wrote
[deleted] t1_j1ahlkn wrote
[deleted] t1_j1aime3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1aimg3 wrote
Onetimehelper t1_j1aj6z2 wrote
Most of Reddit and other social media platforms are. Why not? Best form of advertisement - a “natural” conversation. Reminds me of that time when someone suggested a can of coke when I was feeling thirsty. The sweet taste and the carbonation on my tongue, man nothing can beat that.
Lol but seriously. Social media is the matrix and sucking out our energy, the bots are programmed to make us think of consumption.
[deleted] t1_j1ajfpe wrote
GucciGuano t1_j1ajgsd wrote
assume default subs are riddled with bots and astroturfing. There are many, many more subs on this website that are outside of their radar.
[deleted] t1_j1ajoek wrote
[deleted] t1_j1akhrq wrote
[deleted] t1_j1aksva wrote
tolos t1_j1ala5v wrote
Can't have organic conversation any more, it's always bot posts. One trick to prove you're not a bot is to tell stories that don't go anywhere. Like the time I caught the ferry to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe. So I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Gimme five bees for a quarter," you'd say. Now where were we... oh yeah. The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have any white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones...
staifai t1_j1amw3r wrote
So here’s for the people wondering
A study on the findings was published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society this month.
“The Cliffs, which NASA describes as an area of space located ‘at the edge of a gigantic, gaseous cavity’ within the NGC 3324 star cluster, has been studied for years. But it wasn't until the Webb Telescope was able to observe it that astronomers found some of the more immaculate details. With it, NASA scientists found 24 previously unknown outflows from baby stars, revealing a "gallery of objects ranging from small fountains to burbling behemoths that extend light-years from the forming stars."
“NASA said that the ‘very early’ formation of every star is a "relatively fleeting event – just a few thousand to 10,000 years amid a multi-million-year process of star formation. But Webb was able to capture a ‘snapshot in time,’ astronomer and leader of the study Megan Reiter said, ‘to see just how much star formation is going on in what may be a more typical corner of the universe that we haven't been able to see before.’"
“Many of the stars observed in this study are expected to become low mass stars like our galaxy's sun. And according to Reiter, astronomers will now have a better idea of where in space they can observe just how ‘sun-like stars’ come to fruition.”
"It opens the door for what's going to be possible in terms of looking at these populations of newborn stars in fairly typical environments of the universe that have been invisible up until the James Webb Space Telescope," Reiter said.”
Edit: formatting
[deleted] t1_j1ao9do wrote
[deleted] t1_j1ap3tf wrote
[deleted] t1_j1aqbnx wrote
pierrotlefou t1_j1aqzqd wrote
[deleted] t1_j1asrsj wrote
Jabba_the_Putt t1_j1aswwe wrote
are we all just going to discuss the pontificate about their reaction? or should we make space available for all. what think
[deleted] t1_j1at5hf wrote
[deleted] t1_j1atbfn wrote
[deleted] t1_j1atoe1 wrote
HaikuBotStalksMe t1_j1atuy1 wrote
I think it's a reference to a movie (Bradley Cooper is the guy from Adderalless).
Spanky_Badger_85 t1_j1au9nb wrote
Not gonna lie, I read the last line of your post first to see if Mankind went though a table at the end.
[deleted] t1_j1auvht wrote
misterboris1 t1_j1av3fa wrote
Are we still going on a bike trip to thing this week? And if we do it again on Sunday we can go on the bike with the boys if we don’t go to the park or something else like the one we did at the other place in that area that you mentioned that you were interested in that would be great but if we do go on the bikes then I will have a ride to you guys to do that too.
[deleted] t1_j1avg0j wrote
MattVanAndel t1_j1avrpk wrote
It is not advisable to pour motor oil or any other type of harmful substance onto a pretzel, banana, or any other type of food item. Motor oil is a toxic substance that is not safe for consumption and can cause serious health problems if ingested.
wiga_nut t1_j1avs9l wrote
It'd be really nice if any of these news site's video player worked worth a damn
[deleted] t1_j1awbos wrote
zgdunn t1_j1axjqc wrote
And that’s why you should never trust a camel.
Bigdongs t1_j1ayhjk wrote
I’ve seen so many bots on the last week. It’s ruined so many threads. I’m thinking a misinformation campaign ir
astronurd t1_j1ayttx wrote
Thanks for linking the study.
[deleted] t1_j1ayxjf wrote
Religionbedumb t1_j1azerm wrote
Most Reddit traffic is bots
TempoIndigo t1_j1azzfu wrote
2k upvotes less than 50 comments
Yes, its all bots
[deleted] t1_j1b09yl wrote
[deleted] t1_j1b0gyo wrote
[deleted] t1_j1b19ah wrote
[deleted] t1_j1b1vku wrote
[deleted] t1_j1b2ft6 wrote
muinlichtnicht t1_j1b2gv5 wrote
I usually just end up on, so skipping the middle messenger.
staifai t1_j1b30y7 wrote
You’re welcome, didn’t see anybody posting the deets so i gave it a try
[deleted] t1_j1b4od1 wrote
vi6in t1_j1b4p6r wrote
I think so, big subreddits are full of bots, I stopped going to r/videos like 5 years ago.
otter111a t1_j1b4y8w wrote
I think the article is AI written and is a jumble of concepts. Redditors are commenting on some of the less sensical claims.
From the article: “Many of the stars observed in this study are expected to become low mass stars like our galaxy's sun. “
Comment below references this.
Donkeydonkeydonk t1_j1b69yv wrote
I think this is good news for the Blockchain.
[deleted] t1_j1b6cvl wrote
[deleted] t1_j1b6u2h wrote
>“Many of the stars observed in this study are expected to become low mass stars like our galaxy's sun. “
I wish that sentence wasn't real...sigh.....
[deleted] t1_j1b7gqr wrote
[deleted] t1_j1b7y0u wrote
cowlinator t1_j1b8154 wrote
I only count 7 root-level comments right now, and 1 was removed.
[deleted] t1_j1b9n03 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1bbb8d wrote
[deleted] t1_j1bbhw1 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1bbsiy wrote
[deleted] t1_j1bcj7v wrote
[deleted] t1_j1bcu9p wrote
rathat t1_j1bewjy wrote
At least soon, we won’t be able to tell who’s a bot or not.
[deleted] t1_j1bfb6r wrote
[deleted] t1_j1bfhew wrote
[deleted] t1_j1bfq6d wrote
[deleted] t1_j1bg3bc wrote
Lost_Reference4298 t1_j1bgdsa wrote
Look at OPs posts lmao, only one I saw under 1k was from 14hrs ago.
supa-nuka t1_j1bi3zk wrote
I feel like we got that initial batch of photos from James Webb and nothing else. I’ve tried looking for more and don’t even know if they’re releasing more. It’s been handled a abysmally
Slithy-Toves t1_j1bk02j wrote
How does this find a bot? Do they just start in on a random onion story or something so you know they're just picking keywords to elaborate on?
Slithy-Toves t1_j1bm68s wrote
A sugar filled carbonated beverage is the last thing I'd want when thirsty. Don't confuse your own suggestability for good advertising.
bedub21 t1_j1bmlc8 wrote
Did they mean our solar system's sun? I guess it's still technically correct because our star is uniquely named the sun. Just threw me off for a second.
[deleted] t1_j1bnatt wrote
Waitaha t1_j1bnxf4 wrote
they dont care at all because there is no incentive to stop them and no punishment for letting it happen
reddits bread and butter is allowing trolls and bots to post misinformation and clickbait garbage without any repercussions
this whole website could give facebunk a run for its money on the bullshit'o'meter
FarmhouseFan t1_j1bptsn wrote
Yeah that really should say "solar systems sun."
ClitusLickus t1_j1bs27o wrote
It doesn't it's just a quote from Grandpa Simpson
natsirtenal t1_j1bt8jl wrote
reads like a monty Python skit well done.... and now the larch
vxxed t1_j1bt9n7 wrote
14 USD for 24 hours of access. I just wanna look at some pretty pictures, damn dude.
4shotsofnespresso t1_j1bwe62 wrote
ClitusLickus t1_j1bwjka wrote
And reddit route someone usually links it in the comments
muinlichtnicht t1_j1bx65u wrote
You’re totally right, ClitusLickus.
badken t1_j1bx82v wrote
A lot of observations were put off due to the "sticky" motion controls for MIRI. Also keep in mind that because JWST is not a visible light instrument, many of its observations may not be sexy enough for mainstream press. The kind of observations for which it is best suited are just a lot of data that must be computationally analyzed to make sense of it.
But hey, nearly all the raw data is available for download, so if you want pretty pictures, all you have to do is learn to perceive streams of IR data.
ClitusLickus t1_j1bxeu7 wrote
Always easy to forget my username
muinlichtnicht t1_j1bxpq8 wrote
Haha I love it.
One of my favorite subs is r/Rimjobsteve !! Edit: r/rimjob_steve
GegenscheinZ t1_j1by8y4 wrote
It’s from a Simpsons episode
[deleted] t1_j1bzzhs wrote
AlabastarDasastar t1_j1c43kd wrote
Important question I never considered and now never won’t not. “Never won’t not” is cause “never will not,” “can’t not,” “will never not” is what a bot will say. If you disagree you be a bot. Disagree with that again and you bot, my bot.
AlabastarDasastar t1_j1c4a7x wrote
OldManYellsAtCloud.gif is evergreen
[deleted] t1_j1c4sek wrote
RespectableLurker555 t1_j1c876y wrote
Even the smaller ones are getting attacked now. You see it a lot with the very niche ones that have an "aesthetic", the bots can gain plenty of votes by reposting a few years' old content.
RespectableLurker555 t1_j1c8dh7 wrote
>on the last week.
Now think about the fact that I've been noticing them for the last several years, and whenever I call them out, people are like "lol why you mad, they're not hurting anyone" and I just start fuming ...
[deleted] t1_j1c8zu2 wrote
Fresh-Ad4983 t1_j1cat78 wrote
It’s so nice not to see that trash everywhere now. I really though he was gonna fully retire it after he got mankind himself to do the bit but nope, kept doing it.
[deleted] t1_j1cbic2 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1cc8a8 wrote
drewsEnthused t1_j1ccv4g wrote
I read once that everyone is a bot, except for me.
ILikeMasterChief t1_j1cda3h wrote
Really didn't expect to see this be such a problem still
GucciGuano t1_j1cdfmu wrote
yeah but as far as advertising, they are usually one shot and once in a while. If I designed an ad bot I'd do a search for existing subs with relevant keywords and mass post artificial conversations or threads, as a numbers game. Which happens for example in r/showerorange. Big for a niche sub, but every few months I catch a post about showerheads on sale before a mod removes them. The smaller the sub, the less that numbers game has an effect, and drawfs in comparison to default subs. Manipulating karma has been long know how to do by veterans on here, so I can really only let my trust down a little with handfuls of smaller subs. It it all but a guaranteed equation that big sub = more bots and sublim ads (i.e. astroturfing). It's actually how reddit continues to survive, we can just keep making more subreddits. To make matters worse I see definite vote manipulation. Rule of thumb: if there is a brand in post, there is high likelihood that the most is.
WretchedMonkey t1_j1cib42 wrote
Sounds like something a bot would say
[deleted] t1_j1cj0rc wrote
CherenkovGuevarenkov t1_j1cj84r wrote
If you look at it really, really close you can actually see Lady Gaga.
axialintellectual t1_j1ckvuu wrote
It's also on arxiv for free, you can find it here.
[deleted] t1_j1cl2ju wrote
Xaqv t1_j1cs66h wrote
Thank goodness! Glad that so many aren’t; that so many people aren’t that stupid!
WiscoMitch t1_j1d3mer wrote
It’s bots all the way down.
MGaCici t1_j1dfm1k wrote
I need a bot that wraps gifts and vacuums floors. Please and thank you.
[deleted] t1_j1dg9g0 wrote
Spanky_Badger_85 t1_j1dghl4 wrote
When did that happen?
Telnet_to_the_Mind t1_j1dqxrr wrote
They don't owe you photos to post on your facebook. Science and data is for people who actually know what they're looking at. People who just clap and look at pretty colors can do the leg work to go to the sources to get them.
LAVATORR t1_j1e0mxn wrote
Facebunk. Wow. Way to stick it to them.
[deleted] t1_j1e0uh2 wrote
LAVATORR t1_j1e1iep wrote
This is AI-written trash.
"NASA, who studies stars in the United States, has created a telescope for astronomy fans worldwide. All in all, space exploration has yielded many scientific advances, say critics. The sun is 93.7 million miles away. Tom Cruise was the star of Magnolia."
LAVATORR t1_j1e1l8t wrote
That's because this is very obviously AI-generater
LAVATORR t1_j1e1z4l wrote
What about the 600 different auto-playing pop-up videos every porn I mean news site has now? They work really well
Fresh-Ad4983 t1_j1eemv9 wrote
Pretty recently, I think. Maybe a year ago? I can’t remember super well.
supa-nuka t1_j1fc6rs wrote
Yeah that’s what I’ve seen before - I’m just commenting that they handled the PR with the general public very poorly.
I’m not saying they “owe me” anything like other commenters feel the need to say.
[deleted] t1_j19cxs0 wrote