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neovb t1_j24a5g1 wrote

Different propellants produce differently colored plumes of smoke. For example the kerosene/liquid oxygen propellant used in the Merlin engine has a yellowish tint due to carbon in the exhaust gas. But most likely any of the beautiful color you are referring to is simply a matter of atmospheric conditions and lighting when the rocket is launched.


neovb t1_j24eziv wrote

There are only two things that would impact the color you see: the physical properties and chemical composition of the exhaust plume and the atmospheric conditions at time of launch. So one of those two things (most likely actually a combination of both) would cause the color you are referring to.


space-ModTeam t1_j2590ai wrote

Hello u/Dependent_Creme688, your submission "why space x launches looks so beautiful and blue compared to other agencies??" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

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