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healing-souls t1_j4x83cx wrote

They were never fully developed nor flew. but did have a successful launch and landing per the comment below.

The program was discontinued decades ago if I recall correctly.


smokehidesstars t1_j4x9j9m wrote

Actually . . . it did fly. November 15th, 1988. Two orbits and a runway landing, all 100% automated.


topcat5 t1_j4xbt7e wrote

The program ended when the Soviet Union fell. There was no money.


[deleted] t1_j4x8d6u wrote



failurebeatssuccess t1_j4x8ynw wrote

Nobody is disputing that. We are talking about the Soviet shuttle programme. That is the question on this thread. It never flew. Gargarin went up to space on a Vostock, not a knock-off space shuttle, had it been the latter he would likely have never made it.


MordantBengal t1_j4xi315 wrote

That makes sense, I was thinking in less pedantic terms. A shuttle that takes you to space. I didn't realize that a space shuttle referred to a specific design of spacecraft.


a_southern_dude t1_j4x9eq2 wrote

I think u/healing-souls was saying that the Buran shuttles were never fully-developed. He's right.


topcat5 t1_j4xcf6m wrote

Incorrect. They launched one, it orbited the Earth and returned successfully. In 1988. The program ended because the Soviet Union fell.


healing-souls t1_j4xgpe7 wrote

launching once isn't fully developed.


topcat5 t1_j4xh5yi wrote

What was it missing?


healing-souls t1_j4xuvek wrote

well they never tested any engine configurations other than the 4 rocket one they used for the one launch. In theory it could use anywhere from 2-8 engines.

They never used it to put anything into orbit so none of the satellite deployment stuff was ever tested.

And they never launched with humans so none of the life support or other functions were fully vetted.

Read the article someone else posted about it, it's a good read.


healing-souls t1_j4xa1vw wrote

um, please do a cursory read of the actual title of a post before spewing nonsense.




The OP asked about their space shuttle program, not their space program.