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PoppersOfCorn t1_j599jwn wrote

150 years ago we couldn't fly, 70 years ago we could leave the atmosphere, 30 years ago we hadn't confirmed any exoplanets, 10 years ago we hadn't pictured a black hole... Does this say anything to you about human advancement...


TouchMehBewts t1_j59a99l wrote

That we're going to kill our species for space exploration.


PoppersOfCorn t1_j59aj7c wrote

The only way we can possibly save our species is space exploration... our planet is finite


TouchMehBewts t1_j59aqqn wrote

The difference is quite a bit from what we're talking about. One's hyper accelerated one would be naturally over time.

The space race is currently for the wealthy, that's why it's a play toy for musk.


PoppersOfCorn t1_j59b43o wrote

The space race will always be for the wealthy, regardless if that is mining asteroids, moons, etc..

Pretty much all modern exploration has been funded by the wealthy.

The OP said, "I doubt we'll ever leave the solar system" and hence my reply...