[deleted] t1_j492ktl wrote
[deleted] t1_j492qdo wrote
[deleted] t1_j492sex wrote
[deleted] t1_j492sqi wrote
[deleted] t1_j492t8s wrote
[deleted] t1_j49325b wrote
dnb_4eva t1_j4938fv wrote
It’s happening right now, we’re all going forward in time.
[deleted] t1_j4938mu wrote
[deleted] t1_j4938pb wrote
F1grid t1_j4938ot wrote
Yes. It will happen one second at a time and only goes forward into the future.
[deleted] t1_j493cls wrote
[deleted] t1_j493des wrote
__Raptor__ t1_j493kki wrote
It's (conceptually) very easy to travel forward in time faster than normal.
It's impossible to travel backwards in time.
Siellus t1_j493l35 wrote
In the way you're thinking
Short answer: no
Long answer: No, probably not - Obviously we can't say exactly what we'll find out/discover/invent in the future, but from everything we know so far the universe has rigid and strict laws about anything remotely like that.
We don't even know if the "past" or the "Future" exists. We assume just because we have a recollection of places, things and events that they must be somehow tangible or still exist somewhere.
That's a huge assumption - For all we know Time could be like a burning candle, Everything below us is unlit and doesn't exist in time yet and anything above is gone.
And you can't un-light a candle to exactly what it was before. Entropy doesn't work that way.
[deleted] t1_j493lmk wrote
DefectPicrews t1_j493mrn wrote
Technology has advanced incredibly quickly, however I don't think we're at a point where we can manipulate physics to our will within any of our lifetimes. The very fact that events such as the Holocaust haven't been prevented gives me reason to believe we will never find a means of time traveling into the past. You know what humanity is like, SOMEONE would have killed Hitler in his youth. There would likely also be very strict policies on who could use it and how it could be used so I doubt the general public would ever have access to it. Maybe time travel into the future could become a possibility though, assuming we don't wipe ourselves out anytime soon. ♡
[deleted] t1_j493r0z wrote
[deleted] t1_j493sxo wrote
Halorym t1_j493xj6 wrote
I buy the multiversal time travel theory. In which case kind of. You can travel to other realities like ours that progress at different rates so you can effectively view other times, but anything you do there won't affect ours.
[deleted] t1_j4942jr wrote
jsher311 t1_j4942nq wrote
I couldn’t predict the graphics of video games would be what they are now so I guess anything’s possible? Idk
[deleted] t1_j494368 wrote
mrxexon t1_j4945ka wrote
In short term only. What most people know of time travel is based on Hollywood physics...
Time is a construct for the human mind. It's reality is based on how conscious you are, not how far you travel.
There is no spoon, Neo...
downtune79 t1_j4949oj wrote
I'm writing this reply in the past.... By the time you read this it will be at least a few seconds old
samjoe6969 t1_j494b1b wrote
One of my favorite quotes from a movie, ever, comes from men in black. Guess which one
ExtonGuy t1_j494gt9 wrote
Back in the year 3298, it was proved that time travel is impossible.
[deleted] t1_j494l9p wrote
identityp2 t1_j494oma wrote
Yeah, I got neutralized. You gotta help me on that one.
[deleted] t1_j494r5t wrote
[deleted] t1_j494vti wrote
[deleted] t1_j495052 wrote
SuitNo4705 t1_j4954xg wrote
I already travel through time. Just fairly constant and in one direction.
CrayonDelicacies t1_j495bjv wrote
I am a time traveler. I come from the year 3487.
ajaxsinger t1_j495knv wrote
Yeah, but the local-area speed limit is heavily enforced.
simcoder t1_j495mwc wrote
You can go to the past by going forward maybe but not to the past by going backwards.
Freespirit2023 t1_j495rs9 wrote
It's either already happened, or it never will. Time is not as linear as our human brains perceive it.
[deleted] t1_j495thl wrote
StarChild413 t1_j49614y wrote
if it can, it only always will have once it does
StarChild413 t1_j4962kc wrote
but it only will have already happened once it happens in the future
Limos42 t1_j4963bt wrote
Time travel to the future is easily possible. We don't have the ability yet, but will soon enough. However, there's no going back in time.
You can travel to the future by jumping in a space ship and going somewhere very, very fast. The closer to the speed of light you go, the faster thru time you will travel. Depending on how far and fast you go before returning to earth, is how much time will have passed here, compared to you.
A few months for you could be decades or centuries here on Earth.
[deleted] t1_j4966ap wrote
jsquirrelz t1_j4969fa wrote
> The very fact that events such as the Holocaust haven't been prevented gives me reason to believe we will never find a means of time traveling into the past.
Maybe, but they also could have potentially done it and discovered that it led to alternatives that were worse, right?
StarChild413 t1_j496cpw wrote
> If time travel is possible, why aren't we seeing visitors from the future?
why do we assume it'd, like, be, people in obviously-futuristic-by-old-fashioned-sci-fi-standards clothing landing on the white house lawn during the term of a president they agree with to ask for his help preventing a disaster in our future but their past
Willing_Definition71 t1_j496e1r wrote
Perhaps the future is perfect and they don't want to risk changing anything even if it was an atrocity
Also we don't know what all these UAP sightings are, they could be observers from the future /s
Siellus t1_j496syh wrote
You mean the one that gets posted on reddit almost every day, "Think about what we'll know tomorrow"
Yeah, but Time travel is a whole different thing.
People keep regurgitating "yeah but we also didn't think people could fly" Yeah but we knew it was possible, Birds fly. Nothing in the universe travels through time.
Yes "That we know of", but inadvertently, if something like that is so hard to find, it might just give credit to just how outside of the realm of possibility it really is for gigantic, living creatures such as us to do it.
Science fiction and television have made the prospect seem so tangible, when in reality it's a lot like asking "Will we ever be able to shoot giant beams of energy out of our hands and destroy mountains like in Dragon Ball Z?"
The answer is no. Not just because "we don't know how to do it yet" but because it's literally impossible to the point where it doesn't make any sense at all.
Should we just stop trying? Lol no, That's not what I'm saying and that would be ridiculous, I'm saying it's not an active field of study, because the road to get to it either doesn't exist, or is so so so so unimaginably far out of reach, it may as well be impossible.
lucasssquatch t1_j496w28 wrote
Yes. But only forward at roughly one minute per minute.
DefectPicrews t1_j49792g wrote
That is a very valid point!
[deleted] t1_j497elp wrote
DefectPicrews t1_j497hnx wrote
A perfect future would be a dream come true, considering the current state of the world! However, I believe we're more inclined towards extinction to be honest. With great power comes great stupidity!
skytomorrownow t1_j497s4n wrote
OK, maybe we cannot travel back in time, but could we observe the past directly in some way? Could we livestream the past and beam the stream forward in time in some way?
Willing_Definition71 t1_j497t2r wrote
In South Park the time phones were only allowed to be used for prank calls to the past to prevent changing the future
Perhaps society in the future can follow basic rules
DefectPicrews t1_j497zp0 wrote
I appreciate your optimism! It's nice to see views from someone who has a shred of hope for humanity haha!
TheOneMDW t1_j498if0 wrote
I already answered this question tomorrow!!! Stop asking.
Siellus t1_j498mmv wrote
Technically, yes.
Realistically, no.
Have one gigantic galaxy sized & perfectly calibrated refracted mirror 10 lightyears away perpetually focused on us at all times.
Point a gigantic planet sized telescope at it. done, you can now see Earth Live from 10 20 years ago.
mymymy23 t1_j498qjc wrote
If wormholes exist, couldn’t we warp to a space far away from earth, look at it, then watch the light just reaching us?
Willing_Definition71 t1_j498s7j wrote
My actual view is that we are on the verge of extinction and the aliens are watching and waiting so they can come in and grind the planet up for its resources
KjellRS t1_j498smh wrote
Even if it were possible, it's certainly not going to be like in the movies where you're in a mirror universe and 99% is the same. The world as it exist is the result of so many random events, throw things off even a little and somebody will wipe right instead of left on Tinder and meet someone else and everything diverges from there. If you go back with the intent to "fix" the past it's not going to happen, you're basically erasing your timeline and replacing it with something new.
Willing_Definition71 t1_j4994vv wrote
I have heard similar ideas that if a time machine was created, that it would only be able to travel back to the point it was switched on
So since we have not invented it yet, nobody is travelling back this far
innout_forever_yum t1_j49965a wrote
Yes. Not in our lifetimes or that of our greatest grandchildren. But eventually. Does that help?
mymymy23 t1_j499702 wrote
Are you telling me that ghost sightings are really time travelers in disguise?
Applejuiceinthehall t1_j499m7m wrote
Just watch CCTV from a year ago?
battleop t1_j499ttv wrote
Einstein's theory of General Relativity says yes. If you can travel away from Earth at a fast enough rate then come back time would accelerate for you relative to the Earth. Not probably what you are thinking in terms of stepping into a time machine but about as close as you could get to it.
Lucky_Impact_2853 t1_j499x8j wrote
My gréât great son told me this was going to happen, years ago !.he's not born yet
Willing_Definition71 t1_j499zwf wrote
If you looked at a mirror 10 light years away, you would see 20 years in the past
DraMaFlo t1_j49aaln wrote
It's either impossible or, at least, we won't figure it out.
If it was possible then it would have already happened a near infinite number of times and we would be drowning in billions and billions of time travelers.
Siellus t1_j49afp2 wrote
Derp, You're right - I meant 5 lightyears away (roughly near proxima centauri, but went with 5 rather than 4.2 because meh) and 10 for the whole journey back and forth.
But you're right, I'll change it! :)
AJAskey t1_j49bghl wrote
What evidence do you have that it doesn't happen on a regular basis?
Sucky_von_Icky t1_j49bhzc wrote
Short answer: no
Long answer: nooooooooooooo
The_Real_Fast_Sloth t1_j49cklu wrote
Who is to say people already aren't? What makes you think you are special enough to be informed? Just like if ufos are actually humans, or maybe there are aliens visiting us and mankind has made contact with them. Evil rich bastard: "We gotta let everyone know bout this guys!" (Said no one). I like your whole fellow mankind "We" thinking but sorry to say it's not "We." dude.
[deleted] t1_j49cuo1 wrote
AdolescenceOfP1 t1_j49cwy5 wrote
Place "Time travel" as visited in science fiction on the back burner for a moment. There's a problem already.
So many of these comments throughout reddit are saying we are currently traveling forward in time, or that there is a travel forward that is "faster than normal".
What is, is. In the cases of things aging differently (from speed or gravity), there is no change in forward travel. The state at every time slice has dilated, nothing more.
mustafar0111 t1_j49d2uf wrote
I thought this was already proven as a yes to some degree with extreme mass objects bending spacetime. In the case of two blackholes bending spacetime so badly you could be in the future and present at the same time.
Its just not practically feasible for our civilization.
[deleted] t1_j49d32i wrote
BigMouse12 t1_j49diti wrote
I’m responding to you in the present, 1 hour your future. And to answer your future question, 42.
Siellus t1_j49f02x wrote
Sure, You'd never find earth though. And you'd need a telescope the size of a planet at least, and even that probably won't be big enough.
PotatoSniffer26 t1_j49izro wrote
ive always thought about this. the existence of a connection between past and future is hard to prove in itself but, if we were to find a would never be known to us. imagine telling the entire world that they could just zap right back or ahead to time.
[deleted] t1_j49kq2q wrote
New-Difference9684 t1_j49m0et wrote
Thought may be outside the bounds of time as time is commonly considered. In quantum dynamics, time may not even exist. In the macro universe, things follow Einsteinian physics or the block universe model with the concept of the arrow of time.
El_Lobot t1_j49mbms wrote
To quote The Alan Parsons Project:
"Time, flowing like a river"
As much as I love the concept I agree with people here that time is a nontangible thing. It flows outward and away from our grasp.
El_Lobot t1_j49ndy6 wrote
I guess could travel back in time by heading west up until you reach the international date line.
SiliconeArmadildo t1_j49np5a wrote
If time travel were ever possible, it would be possible now.
SiliconeArmadildo t1_j49o2v6 wrote
>could we observe the past directly in some way
Yes. When we see something in deep space, light years away, we're observing that something's past, in real time.
If we look at a star that say, 100 light years away, we're watching that star as it existed 100 years ago. To see what's happening with that star at this moment in time, we'll have to wait 100 years, perhaps longer if that star is moving away from earth.
[deleted] t1_j49p14f wrote
downtune79 t1_j49p2vu wrote
Ahhhhh shit, you knew! I'm hitchhiking in the future as you read this
Longjumping-Dog8436 t1_j49qshe wrote
Just because you can stick two words together, doesn't make it real.
swftswft13 t1_j49v4sg wrote
If you did something as drastic to the timeline such as killing Hitler, your boomer parents would never have been born and you would not exist. In fact almost no one younger than a certain age that exists today would be around. The world would be full of different people.
An event like WW2 directly or indirectly affected everyone on the planet. Prevent it from happening and your grandparents, if they meet at all, copulate at different times and in different circumstances. Even a slight change in timing and circumstances of conception can lead to a different soul being formed.
It's hard to imagine Marty McFly's mom getting knocked up at the exact same time, 3 times in a row, with a much more confident daddy McFly strutting around.
I hate parties.
[deleted] t1_j49wvkw wrote
[deleted] t1_j49wx96 wrote
[deleted] t1_j49y2xj wrote
zoot_boy t1_j49yrao wrote
Sure, why not? Universe, consciousness, all with seemingly no bounds. The real question is - if you time travelled would you ever be able to relate that to anyone else?
[deleted] t1_j49yv8v wrote
McqueenVendetta t1_j4a1c9u wrote
I'm going to order a pizza in 2 days so we get it yesterday, whatcha want on it?
downtune79 t1_j4a1jf4 wrote
I used to like peppers but in the future I like space weasel
DefectPicrews t1_j4aey19 wrote
Ah the grandfather paradox but instead of killing your grandfather... "You killed Hitler, now you don't exist."
[deleted] t1_j492jrt wrote