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Adorable-Effective-2 t1_j4msfrv wrote

Reddit didn’t read the article apparently. ITS NOT FOR WEAPONS


Thesisus t1_j4nt622 wrote

I dont have time to think so I base all of my political beliefs on headlines, sound bites, and social media.


sickoplato t1_j4ow84o wrote

Tbf, why would you need training in zero gravity if you are not expecting combat in zero gravity? Expecting combat in space is close to the weaponization of it


burnerowl t1_j4o786g wrote

To be fair, only like, 10% of the article is relevant to STARCOM’s OW range… if that.


redcowerranger t1_j4qd0gs wrote

When it comes to the military, it's always for weapons in some way. This seems to be about training to do satellite maneuvers, and it mentions GPS, but this maneuver training would be the exact same for a GPS satellite as an Orbital Bombardment satellite


NikStalwart t1_j4pkeaj wrote

I am disappointed now and won't read the article out of spite.

When are we getting MAC ODPs? When?


Seattle2017 t1_j4s8hvi wrote

It's not for weapons for now. Guess what you can do if you control satellites in space: you can practice controlling them, practice running into other ones. It's weapon-adjacent.