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Brophymusprime t1_j4vtvwp wrote

Hmph. Says 3 replies but none when I click. This is turning into a YouTube censorship situation REAL quick


Brophymusprime t1_j4vun8v wrote

Because it's not conjecture- the main page says there are 3 replies and when I click the post there are 0.

It seems like a lot of comments are hidden when it comes to hit button issues or things they've been keeping from the general public.


iwoodificood t1_j4vuuao wrote

No evidence to support that, it would be virtually impossible to verify given how deep the icy layer is. It was a cool movie though.


hitlory t1_j4vvj77 wrote

sounds like a game called r/barotrauma. actually it is a game called barotrauma


TheLit420 t1_j4vvkd6 wrote

There's already been a book on this subject. An interesting read. If there is such a creature I hope it is like the one in the book. Primal. Love it.


HarryHacker42 t1_j4vx3wk wrote

Not as crazy as a planet in our solar system being populated entirely by robots, like Mars is.


Feisty-Juan t1_j4vxabt wrote

I’m going to go with no, not possible. Never mind the miles of ice it’s the radiation from Jupiter that makes me believe it’s a sterile moon. The radiation coming from Jupiter is just unimaginable. Fun fact? When you turn the dial on and radio that static noise you hear is coming from Jupiters magnetic belts a radiation belts. Jupiter is the most deadly emitter of radiation in our solar system. So that makes me believe it’s inhospitable for life to exist anywhere near Jupiter


Delta_V09 t1_j4vxre8 wrote

No, that just means people have been shadow-banned from the subreddit. Shadow-banning is a tool to keep trolls from realizing they've been banned. Instead of just blocking them from posting, it lets them post, but hides it from everyone else. That way they don't just go and make a new account.


Delta_V09 t1_j4vy8wd wrote

Reddit, fix your damned algorithms. Low-effort "what do you think about X?" garbage where the OP contributes nothing to the community needs to stop showing up on the Front Page.


szypty t1_j4vyh2p wrote

Water is incredibly good at radiation shielding though, and even though ice is slightly worse, it's still great for it. And we're talking potentially dozens of miles of ice here.


Delta_V09 t1_j4vzd0r wrote

But something has changed with the algorithms that determine "Best", "Hot", etc.


My Front Page keeps getting low-karma, low comment posts displaying above posts from the same subreddits with thousands of karma and hundreds of comments.


Theometer1 t1_j4w08lu wrote

Downvote the post, should help it not appear in others feeds. You’ll be doing the r/space community a favor to downvote posts like this and anti space posts that are popping up nowadays


Feisty-Juan t1_j4w0it4 wrote

What’s coming from Jupiter is so massive it’s all encompassing of the earth. But you have to have a better grasp of the stratosphere to understand how something like this can’t be shielded from the earth not facing Jupiter. Have you ever seen how an EMP detonated in the atmosphere over say New York would race around the planet in all directions and effect the opposite side of the planet. You can fact check the static thang yourself if it’s something you have questions about. I’ve just given you an accepted fact of the cause of radio static. The technical reasons are complicated and you have to try to find explanations you can grasp that are more in depth than I have time to explain. But please do look into this and let me know what you think. Just saying it’s also an excepted fact Jupiter has the deadliest radiation in our solar system. Please don’t believe me, look up what I’m saying yourself. You gots google!


Feisty-Juan t1_j4w1frs wrote

Not at the levels Jupiter is cranking out! You have a microwave right? If you’re in a big bowl of water and in a giant microwave what’s going to happen over billions of years. Jupiter has the deadliest radiation in our solar system. Fact! So you going to try and understand what that means. And then imagine a tiny moon right up Jupiters ass getting blasted relentlessly for all of time.


Derodoris t1_j4w2k7y wrote

None of this exists as anything more than a theory. Get your low effort garbage out of here OP


McGunnery t1_j4wcwxy wrote

>To reduce typical gamma rays by a factor of a billion, according to the American Nuclear Society, thicknesses of shield need to be about 13.8 feet of water, about 6.6 feet of concrete, or about 1.3 feet of lead.

Citation. Europa's radiation level on the surface is 1800x what the average person would experience on Earth annually, in a day. Radiation level then is = (1800)(365)x the amount a person would receive on Earth. Europa's surface experiences 657,000x the amount of radiation that Earth receives at sea level.

Okay. To reduce the amount of radiation received by a factor 1x10^9 would require 13.8 feet of water. 13.8 feet of water would be more than sufficient to block 657,000x Earth's radiation and get it to liveable levels.

Of course, that's gamma radiation, not decimetric radiation. The radiation from Jupiter is between 3cm and 3m in addition to the gamma radiation. Microwave to infrared ranges. I think a few miles of ice is enough to block this.


Feisty-Juan t1_j4wevno wrote

I’m not going to disagree with you on this, all I’m saying is Europa is in the most inhospitable position in our solar system. We as humans could never be able to shield ourselves from the radiation to even be able to find a way to investigate Europa. I subscribe to the theory of panspermia and it blocks me from seeing a way life could have existed in the most inhospitable place in our solar system.


TheBroadHorizon t1_j4xtz3u wrote

Obviously I researched before I commented. I'm not going to call someone out on something I'm not confident on.

The primary source of radio static is artificial (other electronic devices in the environment, as well as heat from the radio itself). The natural component (atmospheric noise) is mostly a result of lightning. The cosmic component is mostly solar activity with a small component coming from the Galactic core, the Cosmic Microwave Background and other extragalactic events (Source 1, Source 2).

While Jupiter does emit some radiation that's useful in radio astronomy, it makes up a negligible component of the environmental noise that the average radio picks up.

>The technical reasons are complicated and you have to try to find explanations you can grasp that are more in depth than I have time to explain.

Translation: You made it up.

You should follow your own advice and use Google before you spread misinformation.