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Gutotito t1_j5zuh7v wrote


InGenAche t1_j615hw5 wrote

I'm no planetcoreologist but I reckon a planet sized spinning blob of molten metal slowing noticeably over a mere decade might be cause for a smidge of concern?


DCDHermes t1_j616j20 wrote

It happens every couple decades. It’s a nothing story, cool to scientists, conspiracy bait to laymen.


AmateurAviator t1_j61hmiv wrote

So you’re saying this is all because of some US government secret experiment that has chemically castrated us all and polluted our oceans?


NWTboy t1_j61w8vd wrote

Have you not seen the documentary “The Core”? Scary stuff man


recoveringcanuck t1_j6287fb wrote

This guy got unlimited hotpockets and Xena tapes in exchange for the cover up.


b4dhabits t1_j62n84l wrote

Yeah it's called the industrial revolution


haevne t1_j645sgc wrote

So you're saying I should panic and buy toilet paper?


fernser t1_j61ffi5 wrote

Is the mechanism that causes this comparable to how a pendulum with a spring instead of a string goes from bouncing up and down to swinging side to side?


zeeblecroid t1_j61shho wrote

"Noticably" doesn't mean a lot, on a human scale, when it's 21st-century scientific equipment doing the noticing.


Zachtpres t1_j61837f wrote

We do underestimate how one minor variable could turn a usual occurrence into a catastrophe. Whether that change is immediate or over a longer period of time, we could only guess.

Unfortunately, we are going to have to face the elephant in the room - eventually. Our lives are in the hands of statistical anomalies and strange nonsensical occurrences, time for us is not endless .