Submitted by stanerd t3_11p5dlt
Submitted by Delicious-Day-3332 t3_11p8kio
Submitted by ul_sorty t3_11o6rs0
Submitted by [deleted] t3_11oc8cm
Submitted by Azurebluenomad t3_11n0e4p
Submitted by ilysmmate t3_11lewi2
Submitted by fozib34r t3_11mcu91
Submitted by thawingSumTendies t3_11mabsh
Submitted by tamfuh t3_11lc85o
Submitted by yash13 t3_11kzv6o
Submitted by CBSnews t3_11l58tj
Neil Armstrong knew about the possibility of Nixon phoning them on the Moon but nobody told Buzz and he was completely caught off guard. Both men felt stunned by the President's unexpected phone call and Buzz didn't prepare any profound statement so he let Neil do the talking
wkyc.comSubmitted by Ok_Copy5217 t3_11lhwgo