Recent comments in /f/space
marketrent OP t1_jed00dm wrote
Reply to NASA-enabled AI model may predict where on Earth an impending solar storm will strike — with 30 minutes of advance warning by marketrent
Excerpt from the linked content^1 by Vanessa Thomas:
>Like a tornado siren for life-threatening storms in America’s heartland, a new computer model that combines artificial intelligence (AI) and NASA satellite data could sound the alarm for dangerous space weather.
>The model uses AI to analyze spacecraft measurements of the solar wind (an unrelenting stream of material from the Sun) and predict where an impending solar storm will strike, anywhere on Earth, with 30 minutes of advance warning.
>This could provide just enough time to prepare for these storms and prevent severe impacts on power grids and other critical infrastructure.
>For example, a destructive solar storm in 1989 caused electrical blackouts across Quebec for 12 hours, plunging millions of Canadians into the dark and closing schools and businesses.
>The most intense solar storm on record, the Carrington Event in 1859, sparked fires at telegraph stations and prevented messages from being sent.
>If the Carrington Event happened today, it would have even more severe impacts, such as widespread electrical disruptions, persistent blackouts, and interruptions to global communications. Such technological chaos could cripple economies and endanger the safety and livelihoods of people worldwide.
>In addition, the risk of geomagnetic storms and devastating effects on our society is presently increasing as we approach the next “solar maximum” – a peak in the Sun’s 11-year activity cycle – which is expected to arrive sometime in 2025.
^1 Vanessa Thomas for NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Cente, 30 Mar. 2023,
faLlzinhogameplays OP t1_jeczqzl wrote
Reply to comment by Dull-Sprinkles1469 in How they take planet sounds by faLlzinhogameplays
i mean how do people get the sound of other planets like neptune or jupiter
Did you understand?
thawingSumTendies OP t1_jeczoyo wrote
Reply to comment by dire-dire-docks in Extremely flat explosion dubbed 'the Cow' puzzles scientists while they work to learn more by thawingSumTendies
I tried to be more detailed than the original post title without deviating too much.
What would your suggestion be for a better title?
dire-dire-docks t1_jeczicr wrote
Reply to Extremely flat explosion dubbed 'the Cow' puzzles scientists while they work to learn more by thawingSumTendies
why is this sub full of click bait titles. Are there even mods?
[deleted] t1_jeczb5n wrote
Reply to How they take planet sounds by faLlzinhogameplays
Ehgadsman t1_jecz5nt wrote
Reply to comment by bookers555 in Nokia to set up first 4G network on moon with NASA by Free_Swimming
reception is not congestion, low signal strength has nothing to do with network congestion.
justmovingtheground t1_jecy5iu wrote
I’m a network engineer that primarily works with Nokia equipment. Where do I sign up to work on the moon?
Dull-Sprinkles1469 t1_jecx4wr wrote
Reply to How they take planet sounds by faLlzinhogameplays
Can you elaborate? Are you looking for the sound Earth makes? Or like... the sound of nature?
[deleted] t1_jecwom5 wrote
SpaceCadetRick t1_jecw2bw wrote
Reply to comment by oiturtlez in Per Tory Bruno, ULA CEO: Centaur V suffered an anomaly during testing, a setback for Vulcan by TbonerT
I mean if they pointed the engines right at it and fired them that could probably do it, I probably have aluminum foil that's thicker than the Centaur V's stainless steel tanks.
[deleted] t1_jecvma4 wrote
Siltala t1_jecvch4 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Nokia to set up first 4G network on moon with NASA by Free_Swimming
What does blackberry have to do with this?
oiturtlez t1_jecuy6b wrote
Reply to comment by SpaceCadetRick in Per Tory Bruno, ULA CEO: Centaur V suffered an anomaly during testing, a setback for Vulcan by TbonerT
The original comment was implying that this was caused by some problem with the BE-4s haha. So i was asking the commenter for clarification on how the booster engines might cause an upper stage structural test failure…
[deleted] t1_jectz96 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in NASA head criticizes China's space agency for lack of transparency by Ok_Copy5217
amitym t1_ject0vm wrote
Reply to comment by Prostheta in A group of college students are sending a rover the size of a shoebox to the moon by speckz
Or a moon-sized shoebox roving around.
amitym t1_jecsycx wrote
Reply to comment by passengerpigeon20 in A group of college students are sending a rover the size of a shoebox to the moon by speckz
But... what if people found out??
SpaceCadetRick t1_jecsnha wrote
Reply to comment by oiturtlez in Per Tory Bruno, ULA CEO: Centaur V suffered an anomaly during testing, a setback for Vulcan by TbonerT
No, Centaur V uses 2 RL10-C engines. They are very similar to the engines used on Centaur III which flies on the Atlas V.
Centaur V is the second stage of the Vulcan Centaur vehicle.
edit I misread your comment, the comment you replied to was deleted and I thought you were asking the question about the BE-4 engines.
calligraphizer t1_jecr9b9 wrote
Reply to comment by ApplicationRoyal1072 in The brightest gamma-ray in human history hit our planet this past Fall by PuzzleheadedOne1428
Only across cosmological distances. This would be negligible for gamma rays emitted within, say, the local group, which is gravitationally bound against Hubble flow.
tachophile t1_jecr1o8 wrote
Reply to comment by BobbyHillWantsBlood in Nokia to set up first 4G network on moon with NASA by Free_Swimming
It's going to eventually be starlink, but my guess is that NASA/government is trying to hedge against Spx being a monopoly in space.
IJourden t1_jecqgcm wrote
I feel like this will make Elon Musk upset that it wasn’t him.
catdogs_boner t1_jecpwbv wrote
Reply to comment by IPDDoE in A group of college students are sending a rover the size of a shoebox to the moon by speckz
They're one of the commercial payloads aboard Astrobotic's Peregrine Lander.
[deleted] t1_jecozdm wrote
DolphinWings25 t1_jecov06 wrote
Reply to comment by Last_third_1966 in Do you think about the vastness of the universe every day ? by [deleted]
What do I have a lispth? I said Tents!
[deleted] t1_jecmt9i wrote
[deleted] t1_jed1g0v wrote
Reply to Extremely flat explosion dubbed 'the Cow' puzzles scientists while they work to learn more by thawingSumTendies