Recent comments in /f/space
[deleted] t1_jeddfcr wrote
Reply to Examination of Alien body is... by notmadenough
[deleted] t1_jeddfcn wrote
Reply to Examination of Alien body is... by notmadenough
[deleted] t1_jedd51e wrote
Reply to comment by jrichard717 in Investing in Space: Boeing’s got to get going by cnbc_official
[deleted] t1_jedcoel wrote
Reply to comment by ryschwith in Examination of Alien body is... by notmadenough
rocketsocks t1_jedcn6u wrote
Reply to comment by VoidAndOcean in Investing in Space: Boeing’s got to get going by cnbc_official
Oh, they've been quite successful at what they want to do. They have successfully looted the company quite thoroughly. Boeing had spent nearly a century building up a strong company with a strong brand that was recognized and valued across the world. After the MBAs took over they looted everything, they trashed the brand for short term gains, they funneled all of the cash on hand into the pockets of shareholders through dividends and stock buybacks. They've enriched many already hyper wealthy folks by many tens of billions of dollars, and all it took was destruction of a world class engineering institution and a few hundred lives.
[deleted] t1_jedce72 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Per Tory Bruno, ULA CEO: Centaur V suffered an anomaly during testing, a setback for Vulcan by TbonerT
TasmanSkies t1_jedby94 wrote
Reply to comment by faLlzinhogameplays in How they take planet sounds by faLlzinhogameplays
the only sound recorded on another planet was when a sound recording was made on Mars, and they did it the same as here: with a transducer (microphone)
OcelotBrave8818 t1_jedbhp6 wrote
Reply to comment by notmadenough in Examination of Alien body is... by notmadenough
Imaginary!? You gotta watch that show. Jonathan Frakes!
Available-Camera8691 t1_jedacyb wrote
Reply to comment by link2edition in A group of college students are sending a rover the size of a shoebox to the moon by speckz
Kubrick died, and it is the only reason they wouldn't hire him again.
I know he is dead. I was at his funeral, where Belgian techno anthem Pump Up the Jam was played five times, back to back.
[deleted] t1_jedaax7 wrote
Reply to Examination of Alien body is... by notmadenough
ryschwith t1_jed9qnq wrote
Reply to Examination of Alien body is... by notmadenough
Probably xentopsy or xenotopsy following your logic, although I suspect in practice we'd just say autopsy.
Revolutionary_Fix30 t1_jed9ph3 wrote
Reply to Extremely flat explosion dubbed 'the Cow' puzzles scientists while they work to learn more by thawingSumTendies
I wonder if any country ever sent a nuke real far out into space and lit it up to see what happened. Not like we would know about it...
phoenixliv t1_jed9o8l wrote
Reply to comment by ArcticHelix in G forces and turning in space by ArcticHelix
Yeah. They already do. Its physics, laws of nature and all that. It’s really interesting how scientists use gravity to slingshot things further into space
[deleted] t1_jed9jqn wrote
Reply to Examination of Alien body is... by notmadenough
morbius2pls t1_jed95li wrote
Reply to comment by pauliewotsit in Nokia to set up first 4G network on moon with NASA by Free_Swimming
Yeah the moon and it's stations will have gigabyte fiber before I do smh
vikinglander t1_jed92m8 wrote
Reply to comment by Glittering-Jello-935 in We Need to Get Back to the Moon by Guy_PCS
Yeah so the idea of using lunar resources for propellant is nonsense.
[deleted] t1_jed8ts6 wrote
Reply to Examination of Alien body is... by notmadenough
[deleted] t1_jed8myh wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in NASA head criticizes China's space agency for lack of transparency by Ok_Copy5217
dh1304 t1_jed8evp wrote
It all makes sense, we need to send Nokia 3310's to the moon for our astronauts. The phone is invincible afterall.
notmadenough OP t1_jed8dzo wrote
Reply to comment by OcelotBrave8818 in Examination of Alien body is... by notmadenough
You ain't wrong. I'm running a sci-fi game for some friends and they will be finding alien bodies soon, if they follow the plot hook. I was just wondering if there was an "official" term for this imaginary procedure.
OcelotBrave8818 t1_jed80rl wrote
Reply to Examination of Alien body is... by notmadenough
Alien autopsy is already a well established term. And it’s hosted by Jonathan Frakes!
ichigo841 t1_jed7pfw wrote
Reply to Examination of Alien body is... by notmadenough
UAPs display capabilities that we can't even begin to understand how they're possible, so I think I'd call mutilation of an alien corpse "suicidal."
[deleted] t1_jed7m2z wrote
Reply to Examination of Alien body is... by notmadenough
[deleted] t1_jed7enj wrote
Reply to Examination of Alien body is... by notmadenough
[deleted] t1_jeddzxj wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in NASA head criticizes China's space agency for lack of transparency by Ok_Copy5217