Recent comments in /f/space
link2edition t1_jeetl9l wrote
Reply to comment by Available-Camera8691 in A group of college students are sending a rover the size of a shoebox to the moon by speckz
Kubrik faked his death on a sound stage
sintos-compa t1_jeethzc wrote
Reply to comment by AbandontheKing in Extremely flat explosion dubbed 'the Cow' puzzles scientists while they work to learn more by thawingSumTendies
I like the way you’re thinking. I was actually thinking half the size of twice the solar system.
Abrahamlinkenssphere t1_jeeteur wrote
Reply to comment by TheHappyMask93 in Extremely flat explosion dubbed 'the Cow' puzzles scientists while they work to learn more by thawingSumTendies
Isn’t engagement important though? I feel like if it gets people to read and learn about supernovae who cares?
[deleted] t1_jeesz1r wrote
Reply to comment by sintos-compa in Extremely flat explosion dubbed 'the Cow' puzzles scientists while they work to learn more by thawingSumTendies
AbandontheKing t1_jeesywk wrote
Reply to comment by sintos-compa in Extremely flat explosion dubbed 'the Cow' puzzles scientists while they work to learn more by thawingSumTendies
Twice the size as half the solar system?
EarthSolar t1_jeeshl9 wrote
Reply to comment by Skinstretched in Extremely flat explosion dubbed 'the Cow' puzzles scientists while they work to learn more by thawingSumTendies
What kind of natural event are you looking for? The atmosphere polarizes EM waves, binary stars polarize EM waves, debris disks polarize EM waves, supernovae apparently polarize EM waves...
Zahrad70 t1_jeesgly wrote
Reply to comment by Zondagsrijder in Extremely flat explosion dubbed 'the Cow' puzzles scientists while they work to learn more by thawingSumTendies
Welp. That was an hour better spent than it otherwise might have been. Thank you!
sintos-compa t1_jeesdhb wrote
Reply to comment by Sybarit in Extremely flat explosion dubbed 'the Cow' puzzles scientists while they work to learn more by thawingSumTendies
I feel like we should use another unit of measurement
WagonBurning t1_jeerfqr wrote
Wait! I can’t service here on earth in the mountains where I live. BUT WE CAN PUT IT ON THE MOON!
aught4naught t1_jeerbw8 wrote
Reply to comment by Altrgamm in This Netherlands-based university company works on conceiving babies in space by inno_brew
the proverbial end of history? :) the last 50 years have been all of my adult life.
this adaptation you dream of, societies lifeboat, will be boarded first by the elite and rich before finally being swamped by a billion poor fleeing a burning southern hemisphere
[deleted] t1_jeeqzs6 wrote
EnvironmentalYak9322 t1_jeeqmoe wrote
Reply to Extremely flat explosion dubbed 'the Cow' puzzles scientists while they work to learn more by thawingSumTendies
The blast was the size of a solar system kinda crazy to think this is evidence of some sort of intergalactic war taking place and we are wittnessing their "atom bomb" events but they are wiping out entire solar systems for some reason...
BanDizNutz t1_jeeqd3f wrote
Reply to Extremely flat explosion dubbed 'the Cow' puzzles scientists while they work to learn more by thawingSumTendies
Yes it is puzzling why it's called "The Cow". Hopefully science can explain that.
Apostastrophe t1_jeepz5v wrote
Reply to comment by iwoodificood in James Webb Space Telescope finds no atmosphere on Earth-like TRAPPIST-1 exoplanet by locus_towers
Antimatter is an excellent power source but think of it more like a battery, or an energy storage device than providing energy in and of itself.
You can collect some from radiation belts if you have efficient enough facilities, but your best way to create antimatter would be to have something like a dyson swarm collecting lots of solar energy to run a type of particle accelerator and continually collect the small amounts of antimatter it creates for storage.
Then you use the antimatter as an extremely energy dense and efficient portable energy source for things like space ships or deep space space stations in combination with fusion reactors.
Glittering-Jello-935 t1_jeepq90 wrote
Reply to comment by vikinglander in We Need to Get Back to the Moon by Guy_PCS
I don't know, if you have time and robots, you could dig large holes and if you can make some kind of concrete out of regolith that might do the trick. It'll take years of constant effort that no human could do and involves tech we haven't invented yet, but tech we hadn't invented yet in 1960 actually got us to the moon.
My point is it will take a long, long time if it can be done at all and it cannot be done by humans working on the moon
Altrgamm t1_jeepg2j wrote
Reply to comment by aught4naught in This Netherlands-based university company works on conceiving babies in space by inno_brew
You've missed previous half-a-century or so, didn't you?
CoolHandCliff t1_jeepevh wrote
Reply to comment by Pharaeux in Extremely flat explosion dubbed 'the Cow' puzzles scientists while they work to learn more by thawingSumTendies
He was trying to nuke Yoda, give the guy a break and let him bomb in peace.
aught4naught t1_jeeom3d wrote
Reply to comment by Altrgamm in This Netherlands-based university company works on conceiving babies in space by inno_brew
prepare to die in the coming global climate diasporas
[deleted] t1_jeeo64d wrote
Altrgamm t1_jeenr6l wrote
Reply to comment by aught4naught in This Netherlands-based university company works on conceiving babies in space by inno_brew
For species we are interested in - we are that guarantee. For others - why should anyone care? Humans are priority. As for infrastructure: you probably aware we are demolishing and rebuilding it constantly anyway. Compare even modern roads with roads at 1900. As for culture - people change they culture constantly anyway. Any emigrant? Voluntary changed culture? Moved from a city to suburb? Change of culture. Gone to get college education? Change if culture. And cultures themselves are not something remotely approaching anything "constant".
JustAZeph t1_jeenet4 wrote
Reply to comment by jack104 in NASA-enabled AI model may predict where on Earth an impending solar storm will strike — with 30 minutes of advance warning by marketrent
It’s enough time to shut down generators if you know ahead of time you’ll only have a 30 minute window within a couples days time
[deleted] t1_jeen844 wrote
ssauronn t1_jeemr6i wrote
Reply to comment by Hot_Egg5840 in Extremely flat explosion dubbed 'the Cow' puzzles scientists while they work to learn more by thawingSumTendies
We’d see a spiral formation then, which would be distinguishable from an explosion along a plane
aught4naught t1_jeemjro wrote
Reply to comment by Altrgamm in This Netherlands-based university company works on conceiving babies in space by inno_brew
our infrastructure and culture hasn't had to weather radically sudden climate change. what provision will there be to adapt earth's other species for continued survival ?
[deleted] t1_jeettbo wrote
Reply to comment by Gravelsack in Extremely flat explosion dubbed 'the Cow' puzzles scientists while they work to learn more by thawingSumTendies