Submitted by Big_al_big_bed t3_11qlvvk
Submitted by Greenthund3r t3_11vnm1q
I teamed up with a fellow redditor to try and capture the most ridiculously detailed image of the entire sun we could. The result was a whopping 140 megapixels, and features a solar "tornado" over 14 Earths tall. This is a crop from the full image, make sure you zoom in!
Submitted by ajamesmccarthy t3_122475u
Submitted by Vasek_CZ_ t3_122oibd
Submitted by Rifletree t3_125n05c
Submitted by [deleted] t3_yez8hb
Submitted by Burning_Toast998 t3_y2ueau
Submitted by LazeLinez t3_yb2y34
Submitted by PM_CTD t3_xtkklz
Submitted by rag3frost t3_xyrzt3
Submitted by AutoModerator t3_xzqi3q
Submitted by rezallol t3_z3erwo
Submitted by Soupjoe5 t3_z4j30i
Submitted by Our_Lord_Vader t3_z73bib
Submitted by ProphetMoham t3_yz8g2a
Submitted by Gari_305 t3_z1uthu
Submitted by Aporue76 t3_z6un3g
Submitted by jamesdthor t3_ylm8b1