Submitted by GullyShotta t3_ya0pnc
Submitted by _wanderloots t3_yhty00
Submitted by Signoftredici t3_z2ak7f
Submitted by 1stviolinfangirl t3_z6glte
Submitted by 8th_House_Stellium t3_yuge6j
Submitted by Provax97 t3_z6hhge
Submitted by 1080krld t3_ykaf1g
Submitted by OkOrdinary5299 t3_ykx6g7
Submitted by EdwardHeisler t3_ysfjbp
Submitted by AutoModerator t3_yu7d0j
Submitted by Acuate187 t3_yues8h
Submitted by njoker555 t3_yufpja
Submitted by grees_g0 t3_ywmd17
I took photos of the entire recent lunar eclipse. When I aligned them based on Earth's shadow, it helps visualize the shape of the Earth.
Submitted by ajamesmccarthy t3_yzqtas
Submitted by bhte t3_zyawvh
Submitted by Only_Tea_7378 t3_zxzidp
Submitted by Postbreak_KQM t3_zt2y7l
Submitted by Responsible_Ad_3532 t3_zyq1as
Submitted by lodoslomo t3_zxi4nw