Submitted by Aedwins t3_yncr9v
Submitted by DazzJuggernaut t3_yrkugf
Submitted by Sariel007 t3_z3or23
Submitted by Corbulo2526 t3_z6lpr8
Submitted by IslandChillin t3_z7u03k
Submitted by Unique_Frame_3518 t3_zxgzte
Submitted by TinyDayDreamer0 t3_zve5af
Submitted by AnOriginalMan405 t3_zytxm2
Submitted by Key-Hall-2525 t3_zzcen9
Submitted by Jebusfreek666 t3_zyvgbx
Submitted by sreyashthesavior t3_zuyrj5
Submitted by JediMastoras t3_zz9zyd
1 vs 2500: I couldn't afford an expensive Telescope or a Star Tracker so I took over 2500 shots of the Orion Nebula from a pretty light polluted city in Central India with just an entry level DSLR. Combined them together using a method called "Stacking", and this was the result [OC]
Submitted by vpsj t3_zbuwr1
Submitted by magenta_placenta t3_zec9nv
Submitted by Saltedline t3_zetfmc
Submitted by HeyFlo t3_zh614u
Submitted by AutoModerator t3_zizmak
Submitted by bluenoser613 t3_zm9fdi
Submitted by A1_Thick_and_Hearty t3_zn3oy5