Mars is at its closest point to Earth right now. Here’s a picture I captured of it using a 14” telescope. On Wednesday I’ll be using the same telescope to capture it being occulted by the moon.
Submitted by ajamesmccarthy t3_zcp83l
Submitted by ajamesmccarthy t3_zcp83l
Submitted by ajamesmccarthy t3_zi7upx
Submitted by astro_pettit t3_ziashd
Submitted by peeweekid t3_zje01x
Submitted by mitsu85 t3_zq3snc
Submitted by Soupjoe5 t3_zsyxis
Submitted by astro_pettit t3_zun1yu
Submitted by bilaljall t3_zvbamv
Submitted by Soupjoe5 t3_zwgs7f
Submitted by ThePropagandaTower t3_10her99
Submitted by twurbster t3_10h7j5p
Submitted by NstyBum t3_10qe6nq
Submitted by snekysnek69420 t3_10f4chw
Submitted by v78 t3_100igr8
Submitted by Adeldor t3_102t5uq
Submitted by judge161 t3_103o0cp
Submitted by ajamesmccarthy t3_10657av
Submitted by EricFromOuterSpace t3_107hyt6