Meteor & Milky Way over the Mediterranean. The night itself was chosen to occur during the beginning of the Perseid Meteor Shower in Le Dramont, France, situated near the ominously descending central band of our Milky Way Galaxy. Credit: Julien Looten
Submitted by Davicho77 t3_122r07n
Submitted by meegja t3_ybis0g
Submitted by EduardoVrd t3_11prezr
Submitted by GullyShotta t3_yan7ic
Submitted by Corbulo2526 t3_10daikx
Submitted by Soupjoe5 t3_z7bcli
Submitted by msadkd t3_zj62hf
Submitted by Acuate187 t3_z6dopq
Early meteorites brought enough water to Mars to create a global ocean — Meteorites bombarding the Red Planet may have carried so much water that it could have covered the planet in a layer 300 metres deep if spread out, while also depositing molecules essential for life
newscientist.comSubmitted by marketrent t3_yx53p2
Submitted by otemetoot t3_11cqr31
Submitted by psychothumbs t3_10m40yu
Submitted by cciccitrixx t3_zuoxpp
Submitted by Saltedline t3_z5dhan
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Submitted by EnidFromOuterSpace t3_10on56g
Submitted by Cosmo-Curious t3_106in74