Submitted by Pure_Candidate_3831 t3_y1jf42
Submitted by azzkicker7283 t3_z6fz94
Submitted by Acuate187 t3_zv89b1
Everyone talks about how huge Andromeda will look in the sky billions of years from now. I present you what the Milky Way *currently* looks like in the skies of our neighbor, the Large Magellanic Cloud. We appear absolutely huge in their skies! [Simulated view]
Submitted by lampiaio t3_122xk6h
Submitted by donutloop t3_115d4h4
Submitted by MalcolmY t3_yg6nmi
Submitted by That_Teach_9224 t3_zpr15y
Submitted by Machanskid86 t3_10u06tz
Submitted by DBWallz t3_10iflnl
Submitted by IslandChillin t3_z883av
Submitted by VENGER01 t3_z05z37
Submitted by tenacioustomk t3_115ylmf
Submitted by peterabbit456 t3_z44gpm
Submitted by EkantTakePhotos t3_zotv4t
Submitted by GullyShotta t3_ycxpjb
Submitted by Acuate187 t3_z6dfml
The largest NASA Hubble Space Telescope image ever assembled, this sweeping bird’s-eye view of a portion of the Andromeda galaxy. Credit: NASA, ESA
Submitted by Davicho77 t3_11pvn3f
Submitted by burtzev t3_ycfdfc
Submitted by EkantTakePhotos t3_zv3xnw
Submitted by daenel t3_1222uow