Submitted by IslandChillin t3_zt4163
Submitted by Pure_Candidate_3831 t3_ydkk3t
Submitted by miso25 t3_z8stez
Submitted by DeepSkyPix t3_106v4fi
Submitted by nikan69 t3_y3c52b
Submitted by Ok_Copy5217 t3_10rj90i
Submitted by 0Ring-0 t3_yp6pu5
Submitted by MrJackDog t3_10ogifh
James Webb revisited gravitational-lensing cluster Abell 2744 this week - and I spent hours processing and cleaning hundreds of cosmic ray artifacts to reveal the faintest details, yet unseen, in glorious six-color 4k+
Submitted by Riegel_Haribo t3_ybaxy1
Submitted by M416_Lover t3_yex3pj
Submitted by Master-Strawberry-26 t3_zz8cc6
Submitted by AbbydonX t3_10sftvd
Submitted by njoker555 t3_10nx473
Expedition 68 Flight Engineer Koichi Wakata of The JAXA peers at the Earth below from inside the Cupola.
Submitted by MorningStar_imangi t3_zosqi4
Submitted by footinch t3_y9dbtz
Extragalactic SETI looks for life beyond the Milky Way. But where? In game theory one solution is a Schelling point — a single event that draws different group's attention. A binary neutron star merger could act as one, because observers across the universe will all be looking in the same direction.
supercluster.comSubmitted by EricFromOuterSpace t3_z86hpt
Submitted by jeffsmith202 t3_10phzks