Submitted by J3RRYLIKESCHEESE t3_zuoyjd
A spaceflight disaster was narrowly avoided in 1972. A series of intense solar flares exploded in August, just months before the launch of Apollo 17. Any astronauts on the moon at that time would have died from radiation. As NASA's new lunar missions progress, the threat of radiation still looms.
supercluster.comSubmitted by EricFromOuterSpace t3_10q1c3x
Submitted by Fudwick t3_10cj9vj
This image of Mars shows the north polar ice cap, the border between highlands and lowlands, former river valleys, plains covered by dark sands and the large Hellas Planitia impact basin in the south. Credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin
Submitted by MistWeaver80 t3_116hngm
Submitted by SuppressiveFire t3_10o8d1o
Submitted by PhyneasPhysicsPhrog t3_zt4amj
Submitted by J3RRYLIKESCHEESE t3_yh1foo
Submitted by MistWeaver80 t3_yhoofp
This is what 7 minutes of exposure time looks like on a dark, moonless night at Zabriskie Point, Death Valley (USA)!
Submitted by peeweekid t3_1230x35
Submitted by Corbulo2526 t3_zuld7e
Submitted by Shirelord t3_z0853g
Submitted by Pluto_and_Charon t3_y8e3al
Submitted by Rockclimber88 t3_11pmuu8
Submitted by Zommerfeld t3_110gapr
Submitted by ChickenTeriyakiBoy1 t3_10l1grd
Submitted by IslandChillin t3_10pdzx3
Submitted by tommos t3_y8o0j5
Submitted by speckz t3_126ndj3