paintballpmd OP t1_j6z14ls wrote
Apparently, he had no idea and thought he was suiting up just for a photo.
beeafletcherberry t1_j6zaa04 wrote
As a Reds fan….. that’s a beaut of a move.
froadku t1_j6zbrfk wrote
getyerhandoffit t1_j6zee98 wrote
So *that’s * why Frank got the arse!
SebastianOwenR1 t1_j6zh0y2 wrote
This was like, forever ago? Why is this being posted now?
Ahhhh I see, Barstool. This happened back in July.
AusPower85 t1_j6zhn50 wrote
So rival clubs can see and sign him up before Everyon get relegated.
He is too good to be playing championship football for Everyon.
gPseudo t1_j6zl3sk wrote
Would've been hilarious if the goalie went hard and saved it.
Arrogancio t1_j6znho6 wrote
But GOD, can you imagine botching the save if you did?
Rush_Is_Right t1_j6zocmn wrote
Nah, you could easily play it off like you were trying to make the attempt look better. Like should have dove over it. Would have been cooler than just standing there.
[deleted] t1_j6zpezz wrote
Serbian-American t1_j6zsanh wrote
Bro I read this as “stabbed” and I immediately thought he was watching the game as a foreigner in the ultras section or something.
All the comments were positive so I read it again and still read stabbed lol.
Third time was the charm
[deleted] t1_j6zvlj8 wrote
GeckoPartida27 t1_j6zxzbg wrote
Old lol
Thaksin_Shinawatra t1_j6zyawk wrote
honest question, i've paid zero attention to Barstool since college in 2010.... why fuck Barstool?
notyouravgredditor t1_j701izm wrote
That goalie sucks....
figboot11 t1_j704d3t wrote
Really cool...but it had me thinking. If I was in his place, would I have wanted the goalie to give it his all? I think I would have. The personal satisfaction of scoring a legitimate goal that required a bit of skill and luck would have been that much greater. If he blocked it, then so what...he's a pro and that's what he's supposed to do.
excel958 t1_j70519d wrote
I was also curious so I did a google search. The Wikipedia article outlines some controversies they have:
twonkenn t1_j7058pc wrote
Instead of fan, can we use his name? Fucking Hell.
soylentgreenis t1_j70631k wrote
If that were me, I’d without a doubt be wearing the Mia Hamm sports bra underneath my jersey
Superdunez t1_j7073kw wrote
"Did you see that ludacrous display last night?"
isaacwdavis t1_j707ket wrote
I agree with you if I was the shooter I would want the goolie to actually try and save it. But from the goalie's perspective he would have been crucified if he did save it by people that felt he should let the guy have the goal.
[deleted] t1_j708hh2 wrote
arthurblakey t1_j709w5z wrote
Fucking Hell doesn’t even sound like a Polish name, are you sure you got that right?
[deleted] t1_j70aiyq wrote
twonkenn t1_j70ajjx wrote
Ok, ok. We should celebrate the person, not just the act.
[deleted] t1_j70amj4 wrote
CGY-SS t1_j70b5ps wrote
All of barstool, or Dave Portnoy? I find it hard to believe the chick's in the office girls are scumbags too.
[deleted] t1_j70bviw wrote
Ne0guri t1_j70bxtz wrote
The guy didn’t even know he was going to be doing this in the first place. Would be messed up if the goalie did try to save it lol my man had 0 preparation for this. I’m just glad he didn’t shank it and miss the goal altogether.
[deleted] t1_j70c02i wrote
[deleted] t1_j70cs7r wrote
rafaelza t1_j70d6sm wrote
no, cowboys fan
keaneonyou t1_j70ez1t wrote
It was brandi chastain
SYSTEMcole t1_j70f8tk wrote
You didn’t either lmao
framejunkie t1_j70g1fq wrote
"See, the thing about Arsenal Everton is they always try to walk it in."
whey_to_go t1_j70gwu2 wrote
I was laughing at the thought of dude pulling his shirt off in the celebration.
[deleted] t1_j70if9t wrote
AUserNeedsAName t1_j70ihlh wrote
And it's not like the man gave the kick his all either. Maybe we could have this conversation if he yelled a cheeky challenge to the keeper or whatever and tried for a screamer, but he was clearly just keeping himself together emotionally while he gave it enough to dribble in. A "test of skills" was not the page anyone was on.
[deleted] t1_j70jdk3 wrote
DrexlAU t1_j70l6n7 wrote
Your pronouncing it wrong
[deleted] t1_j70lgts wrote
Go4Lo t1_j70lk8n wrote
You have a hard time believing people working for a scumbag are also scumbags?
[deleted] t1_j70ll5i wrote
twonkenn t1_j70lm20 wrote
Wow that makes no difference whatsoever besides you have...sight? Gratz!
CGY-SS t1_j70lni0 wrote
A lot of people have scumbag bosses but are decent people as well. Don't pretend like that's impossible.
[deleted] t1_j70lz4v wrote
arthurblakey t1_j70m1l2 wrote
I agree with you, was just poking fun at your capitalisation
FuckItBe t1_j70mebn wrote
I am here to drink milk and feel good about the fans and I am all out of milk
[deleted] t1_j70mfmj wrote
BeerorCoffee t1_j70mgdo wrote
I would have completely missed the goal.
twonkenn t1_j70njh5 wrote
Ahh. I didn't pick up on that.
[deleted] t1_j70otu5 wrote
Ogtriple11 t1_j70qutu wrote
"You see the thing about Arsenal is"
[deleted] t1_j70sb39 wrote
jjkm7 t1_j70szrk wrote
Ahh yes I used my elite goalie skills to read him and know he would kick it to the right, so I jumped to the left full power to make it look real
[deleted] t1_j70tz0f wrote
[deleted] t1_j70ubmc wrote
huggles7 t1_j70vvv0 wrote
This is just a reminder of how many little things big organizations can do to make a world of a difference to consumers or fans that literally cost them nothing
bitchigottadesktop t1_j70w5fe wrote
I think that would have been great honestly
tanarchy7 t1_j70yzjy wrote
You've never seen the video of NFL mascots just wrecking children?
VictorVaughan t1_j70ziuj wrote
What does that have to do with the work he did for Ukrainians?
up_the_dubs t1_j712b59 wrote
Good thing he wasn't playing for spurs...
Well done that lad.
Kered13 t1_j712yut wrote
beamierhydra t1_j714vi2 wrote
That's probably because the guy's not fucking Polish
arthurblakey t1_j715heu wrote
I just assumed tbh lol. But have done some digging now..
Apologies to Mr. Paul Stratton from Liverpool, not to be confused with Fucking Hell who is probably not Polish.
hershko t1_j71a0fb wrote
That was beautiful. Wondering if it wouldn't have been nicer if the goalie made a pretend attempt to block the goal (still letting it in, but at least jump to the other side). Don't make it SO obvious you're just letting him score.
OHTHNAP t1_j71ajh6 wrote
What happened in Philadelphia this time?
JoA2506 t1_j71bra3 wrote
For this alone, this post should be downvoted to oblivion.
Scofield442 t1_j71brgm wrote
Why would Everton be playing a charity match mid-way through a season?
[deleted] t1_j71bxr7 wrote
hallese t1_j71fcxn wrote
There's some Old World blood feuds playing gout when this happens in Minnesota. Mascots are going full speed and the kids are wearing brass knuckles, it's pure madness.
StillLost_13 t1_j71l1ii wrote
I knew what was coming but I still busted out laughing.
jubbu t1_j71omnp wrote
July is 5 months from now why are you mad that they're posting things from the future
MattyFTM t1_j71p3qw wrote
I was at a testimonial match in the 90's, I believe it was Sunderland vs Everton but I can't remember whose testimonial it was (I was only a kid at the time). A kid had been brought on from the stands to take a penalty and the keeper did save it. But the referee found an excuse for the penalty to be retaken and the kid scored.
[deleted] t1_j71q2bk wrote
[deleted] t1_j71q8d5 wrote
thunderc8 t1_j71qw5h wrote
Context anyone?
[deleted] t1_j71qxok wrote
[deleted] t1_j71ujhe wrote
crseat t1_j71vgpm wrote
Love that he has a potato for a heart.
[deleted] t1_j71w0b3 wrote
kaestiel t1_j71wa79 wrote
And, so what? Is he going to be sainted for virtue signaling?
herroebauss t1_j71xui4 wrote
Fucking hell i've never seen this before. At work trying not to laugh right now
Swiss_James t1_j71yjjo wrote
Keeper should have had that. Absolutely shocking.
GeckoPartida27 t1_j71zj9a wrote
Ur right sorry Vicktor
smittywerbanjagermen t1_j71zkk5 wrote
He’s only just come on and scores right away, Dyche needs to bring him back
Donkilme t1_j721bzb wrote
I think you might be.
G0-N0G0-GO t1_j721zwr wrote
So, he has both a “heart of gold” and a “golden foot” then?
GuerreroD t1_j722bwx wrote
I, too, am good at saving things, you know. --- the goalie
[deleted] t1_j724tch wrote
[deleted] t1_j724y4e wrote
RTwhyNot t1_j729a2y wrote
This is the best of sports. And it made me smile.
[deleted] t1_j72dm8c wrote
MadGeller t1_j72e8f3 wrote
I am so glad he didn't miss.
[deleted] t1_j72fjui wrote
D-2-The-Ave t1_j72fqxq wrote
No no nooooo
[deleted] t1_j72g621 wrote
sarcastroll t1_j72gsdz wrote
To paraphrase a kind man: When confronted with evil such as Russia and those that support Russia- Look for the helpers.
canttouchmypingas t1_j72h4qf wrote
Why is the fan going to Poland to help Ukraine relevant either?
Crazy_Employ8617 t1_j72hafw wrote
Don’t take it personal, they’re probably just a kid who doesn’t know how to handle other peoples opinions maturely yet.
thesecondfire t1_j72hiao wrote
What was Lampard thinking, bringing a relief delivery driver on that early?
[deleted] t1_j72j75g wrote
DrewsephA t1_j72k1aq wrote
> Likewise, don’t pretend that working for someone you know to be a scumbag isn’t highly questionable in and of itself.
We know and agree that Jeff Bezos is a scumbag. So you think every single person working for Amazon is a scumbag too? Every single middle-class packager just trying to get by, working with shit wages and conditions, having to pee in bottles, is a scumbag?
[deleted] t1_j72kgba wrote
[deleted] t1_j72olzx wrote
[deleted] t1_j72pene wrote
stoolsample2 t1_j72pj3x wrote
Maybe the goalie was Scott sterling
[deleted] t1_j72qp8u wrote
[deleted] t1_j72sks3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j72ssi6 wrote
Truckerontherun t1_j72tlt4 wrote
Then the guy flopped like he was shot in the kneecap trying to draw a red card
[deleted] t1_j72u21m wrote
[deleted] t1_j72ue3w wrote
valdezlopez t1_j72zq4c wrote
Nice and wholesome. (not being sarcastic)
Hope people in Ukraine find peace soon too.
RetroRocket t1_j73126d wrote
[deleted] t1_j73azrn wrote
[deleted] t1_j73lee4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j73qo4g wrote
Haldir111 t1_j73rnwx wrote
Which makes zero difference to the point. lol
thecosmicradiation t1_j73u2yf wrote
I love that he did the classic "knees on the grass, pump the fists" celebration move. I feel like that part is more exciting than getting the goal!
[deleted] t1_j73yfy3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j740sty wrote
[deleted] t1_j745xxt wrote
[deleted] t1_j7463ad wrote
eaazzy_13 t1_j75a0ua wrote
thecrack101 t1_j763eso wrote
Who’s chopping fucking onions?!
_TheValeyard_ t1_j6z0ku2 wrote