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SebastianOwenR1 t1_j6zh0y2 wrote

This was like, forever ago? Why is this being posted now?

Ahhhh I see, Barstool. This happened back in July.


gPseudo t1_j6zl3sk wrote

Would've been hilarious if the goalie went hard and saved it.


Serbian-American t1_j6zsanh wrote

Bro I read this as “stabbed” and I immediately thought he was watching the game as a foreigner in the ultras section or something.

All the comments were positive so I read it again and still read stabbed lol.

Third time was the charm


figboot11 t1_j704d3t wrote

Really cool...but it had me thinking. If I was in his place, would I have wanted the goalie to give it his all? I think I would have. The personal satisfaction of scoring a legitimate goal that required a bit of skill and luck would have been that much greater. If he blocked it, then so what...he's a pro and that's what he's supposed to do.


twonkenn t1_j7058pc wrote

Instead of fan, can we use his name? Fucking Hell.


soylentgreenis t1_j70631k wrote

If that were me, I’d without a doubt be wearing the Mia Hamm sports bra underneath my jersey


Superdunez t1_j7073kw wrote

"Did you see that ludacrous display last night?"


isaacwdavis t1_j707ket wrote

I agree with you if I was the shooter I would want the goolie to actually try and save it. But from the goalie's perspective he would have been crucified if he did save it by people that felt he should let the guy have the goal.


Ne0guri t1_j70bxtz wrote

The guy didn’t even know he was going to be doing this in the first place. Would be messed up if the goalie did try to save it lol my man had 0 preparation for this. I’m just glad he didn’t shank it and miss the goal altogether.


AUserNeedsAName t1_j70ihlh wrote

And it's not like the man gave the kick his all either. Maybe we could have this conversation if he yelled a cheeky challenge to the keeper or whatever and tried for a screamer, but he was clearly just keeping himself together emotionally while he gave it enough to dribble in. A "test of skills" was not the page anyone was on.


huggles7 t1_j70vvv0 wrote

This is just a reminder of how many little things big organizations can do to make a world of a difference to consumers or fans that literally cost them nothing


up_the_dubs t1_j712b59 wrote

Good thing he wasn't playing for spurs...

Well done that lad.


hershko t1_j71a0fb wrote

That was beautiful. Wondering if it wouldn't have been nicer if the goalie made a pretend attempt to block the goal (still letting it in, but at least jump to the other side). Don't make it SO obvious you're just letting him score.


hallese t1_j71fcxn wrote

There's some Old World blood feuds playing gout when this happens in Minnesota. Mascots are going full speed and the kids are wearing brass knuckles, it's pure madness.


MattyFTM t1_j71p3qw wrote

I was at a testimonial match in the 90's, I believe it was Sunderland vs Everton but I can't remember whose testimonial it was (I was only a kid at the time). A kid had been brought on from the stands to take a penalty and the keeper did save it. But the referee found an excuse for the penalty to be retaken and the kid scored.


kaestiel t1_j71wa79 wrote

And, so what? Is he going to be sainted for virtue signaling?


Swiss_James t1_j71yjjo wrote

Keeper should have had that. Absolutely shocking.


smittywerbanjagermen t1_j71zkk5 wrote

He’s only just come on and scores right away, Dyche needs to bring him back


G0-N0G0-GO t1_j721zwr wrote

So, he has both a “heart of gold” and a “golden foot” then?


RTwhyNot t1_j729a2y wrote

This is the best of sports. And it made me smile.


DrewsephA t1_j72k1aq wrote

> Likewise, don’t pretend that working for someone you know to be a scumbag isn’t highly questionable in and of itself.

We know and agree that Jeff Bezos is a scumbag. So you think every single person working for Amazon is a scumbag too? Every single middle-class packager just trying to get by, working with shit wages and conditions, having to pee in bottles, is a scumbag?


valdezlopez t1_j72zq4c wrote

Nice and wholesome. (not being sarcastic)

Hope people in Ukraine find peace soon too.


thecosmicradiation t1_j73u2yf wrote

I love that he did the classic "knees on the grass, pump the fists" celebration move. I feel like that part is more exciting than getting the goal!