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psych0act1ve t1_j77npfy wrote

Strip the optics off and the woman he threatened is probably about to get a big pay day, so, it is what you make of it. Right?


Slampumpthejam t1_j77qckh wrote

The fuck is wrong with you


psych0act1ve t1_j77s3n2 wrote

My job exposes me to a lot of human suffering, and not a lot of bad, sad, or unfair stories come a silver lining attached like it does when these wealthy athletes fuck up and victimize someone. It’s jaded but it’s also real. Can’t hate me for the truth I know it’s hard but people really get dealt hands they don’t ask for and most of the time there’s no get out of jail paycheck attached

We all wanna look at one or two aspects of this situation but it’s deeper than the superficial. Not all cuts are clean either. I guess my cheeky statement above comes off as cold but it’s more of a way to cope with the poverty I see on a regular basis


2saucey t1_j780ttz wrote

Just jaded it sounds like. Once shit got real someone probably offered her big money for silence, or the DA. Rich people problems get solved with money. Don’t know why that equates to being something up with person that wrote it.


psych0act1ve t1_ja37zmg wrote

Truth man. How many women in her position don’t get a huge paycheck

She’s lucky. Sorry the optics are “wrong”.