Whosdaman t1_j8aemk9 wrote
It’s all so McDaniels can have a scapegoat. He’s a terrible head coach. Colts dodged the bullet and let it hit the Raiders instead.
[deleted] t1_j8afrro wrote
geordieColt88 t1_j8agkn4 wrote
Well played Derek, do right by you
AFineDayForScience t1_j8aht6s wrote
Aaron about to invite Derek to the darkness
LlamaWhoKnives t1_j8ajyps wrote
If Im carr im refusing to play for the raiders
[deleted] t1_j8ak0ki wrote
joey_r00 t1_j8al5rk wrote
Dan Marino has entered the chat
eastcoastkody t1_j8anap2 wrote
would like to see him goto the colts or the jets
CornWallacedaGeneral t1_j8any4e wrote
With so many bullets being dodged and hitting the Raiders over the years,I'm thinking they ARE the NFL Shield lol
Whosdaman t1_j8ao7ju wrote
Literally, NFL investigates Redskins and Dan Snyder and only thing that happens is Jon Gruden gets outed as a racist.
Sterling_Thunder t1_j8aq73l wrote
I vote Colts
virgotyger t1_j8aqabq wrote
He's not a terrible quarterback. I wouldn't mind having in in Charlotte.
markBonJovi t1_j8aqd40 wrote
Raiders gonna raider
CornWallacedaGeneral t1_j8aqepo wrote
Dan Snyder has dirt on people...its gotta be it
yiannistheman t1_j8arkdh wrote
C'mon, you weren't actually expecting an investigation run by the NFL commissioner, paid for by and reporting to the owners, to have consequences for one of said owners? In an off the field matter no less?
Whosdaman t1_j8arp13 wrote
Of course not, but it was funny how the Raiders ended up being the only one suffering consequences. They are the Missouri of the NFL.
[deleted] t1_j8as1ol wrote
SC_Hippie2 t1_j8as9hd wrote
I don’t think we can afford him with our current salary cap situation
pkeller001 t1_j8asja0 wrote
It’s 5mil cap hit, not major at all
[deleted] t1_j8auxn5 wrote
YogiYeti21 t1_j8av5e0 wrote
I would mind
danish07 t1_j8avg24 wrote
Interested how this will affect Geno Smith as a free agent.
[deleted] t1_j8avksl wrote
More like no team was willing to take on his contract …
deebo911 t1_j8avppk wrote
Except that Geno is not hitting the market
danish07 t1_j8axdxr wrote
You know something everybody else doesn’t? It remains to be seen if he hits the market.
imgrandojjo t1_j8b0gio wrote
I'd like to see him go to the Seahawks. Geno Smith had a great year, but the Seahawk brass are too seasoned to get too attached. What Geno did will cement him for several more years as a sought-after backup QB but no one's gonna go crazy. Carr would be a huge upgrade.
imgrandojjo t1_j8b0t4v wrote
The colts would literally be "out of the frying pan into the fire" for Carr. At last the Jets have some hope to build on. The Colts need to be gutted and rebuilt but Irsay's going to waste his core for a few more years before he admits it. It's no place for a prized QB.
The Colts are going to be a bottom feeding team next year, Carr or no Carr. Mark my words.
CorvusBrachy t1_j8b1sry wrote
Miami has nice weather just saying.
Hydroxychloroquinoa t1_j8b4hfn wrote
WizBillyfa t1_j8b552h wrote
This year is the only year they can get rid of him without being on the hook for the remainder of his deal.
see-bees t1_j8b5ac5 wrote
Saints took a pretty big hit on Boutygate when the whole damn league was doing the same shit.
[deleted] t1_j8b5mzs wrote
ironroad18 t1_j8b69no wrote
Maybe they can trade him back to Oakland
bigmattson t1_j8b7fhl wrote
They let him negotiate his deal with the Saints. Why would he make good new team give up picks for him?
[deleted] t1_j8b7hnp wrote
BRockStar916 t1_j8b83e6 wrote
Derek Carr giving the Raiders the royal f*ck you
nimrod4205 t1_j8b8c23 wrote
That they deserve.
[deleted] t1_j8b8gd5 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8b8r0r wrote
shunestar t1_j8b8tke wrote
What about the colts makes you think full rebuild? Qb and Oline are the only weaknesses and they’ll have Carr or a top rookie after April.
Snuffleupagus03 t1_j8b8xn3 wrote
It could lower his expected price? I don’t see why we’d be confident that he won’t hit the market.
AfterTemperature2198 t1_j8b9ble wrote
Won’t accept trade to Saints, signs with Saints as a fuck you to the Raiders
UpbeatCloseness78 t1_j8b9g4o wrote
Smart man
[deleted] t1_j8ba4q2 wrote
imgrandojjo t1_j8ba5b6 wrote
They have a lot of cap sucked into that oline which is going to make it much less of an easy fix than it looks on the surface. They also have huge needs in their secondary and LB corps and many key payers getting older/injury prone.
[deleted] t1_j8bbb2w wrote
mrmpls t1_j8bbbrv wrote
Why did he decide not to accept a trade?
BuckBruno t1_j8bbol2 wrote
Geno > Carr
shunestar t1_j8bc5nh wrote
Couldn’t disagree more. The only 3 cap impacts on the OL are pretty good players (Nelson, Kelly, smith). Colts LBs are incredibly talented, hell Leonard might be top 5 at the position. Secondary could use help but Gilmore is still talented and two injured safeties are returning in ‘23-‘24. They get a quarterback and they are legit. Mark my words.
Shoegazer75 t1_j8bcx0k wrote
BourbonDdog t1_j8bdfxc wrote
Nelson went from all-pro to dog water after he got paid though
[deleted] t1_j8bdnmt wrote
maxgeek t1_j8bdpfz wrote
His current deal is favorable to any team looking to sign him. They can cut him every year with minimal dead money. By getting cut he get's to double dip on guaranteed money and pick his own team.
Sersexualofpan t1_j8bdqay wrote
"Fuck them trades"
- Derek 'Michael Jordan' Carr
shunestar t1_j8bdwbg wrote
I think the problem was him trying to block his assignment and his teammates rusher every play. Combo that with noodle arm Ryan turning it over and you kinda know what the year is and shut it down. Talent like that doesn’t just disappear.
[deleted] t1_j8becel wrote
… who taught you math?
Felipelocazo t1_j8bey2l wrote
popothemailman t1_j8bf6tl wrote
Nah, it’s 5mil. The major hit would be the 40mil we’d have to pay this clown to continue throwing L’s
aaronrodgersneedle t1_j8bf820 wrote
He won’t play though he will sit out
BourbonDdog t1_j8bfgj9 wrote
Maybe you are right, but it is just as likely he pulled an Albert Haynesworth
HuffnDobak t1_j8bfn88 wrote
Ayahuasca Gone Wild: Peru
popothemailman t1_j8bfs6d wrote
No team is willing to take on that contract. Saints were willing to trade on the condition of a contract rework…
Let’s face it Fam. In a division with MVP Mahomes, Herbert and Wilson/Payton. Carr can’t hang
[deleted] t1_j8bg4lz wrote
Sea-Slide348 t1_j8bgrrj wrote
raiders absolutely misplayed their hand here. Getting nothing for Carr is inexcusable but completely in line with their incompetence
JaXm t1_j8bj0fm wrote
I'm ignorant of what this means. I'm not a big team-sports fan, but I do find it interesting.
So I have some questions if someone doesn't mind answering.
What is a trade? What's the purpose?
Why would a team want to trade a player? Wouldn't they want to keep any good players they have?
Why would a player want to be traded? Or in this case, to not be traded?
sadandshy t1_j8bjtok wrote
Budmanes t1_j8bkcsz wrote
Cause he can make a hell of a lot more in a free agency bidding war
GannicusG13 t1_j8bkury wrote
As they deserve tbh
[deleted] t1_j8bkva2 wrote
Themnor t1_j8bl14x wrote
He was hanging just fine until known QB destroyer Josh McDaniels got ahold of him. Only QB he’s done well with is the GOAT and that says more about Brady than McDaniels.
And if he’s rejecting trades is because there are offers
Themnor t1_j8bl960 wrote
Hoping the Titans pick him up, but not holding my breath. I think he’s a definite upgrade to Tannehil, but without weapons it doesn’t really matter who is under center
[deleted] t1_j8blas8 wrote
-Captain--Hindsight t1_j8bn9l1 wrote
As he should. Why would he want the team he's going to to give up assets when they don't need to?
deuces_mild t1_j8bni86 wrote
Chiefs could use him.
[deleted] t1_j8bnt0p wrote
mtheperry t1_j8boo0n wrote
He's got a better win percentage than your head coach lmao
Trpdoc t1_j8bp7g6 wrote
Top free agent? He fucking sucks!!!
Trpdoc t1_j8bp9i3 wrote
He fucking sucks. Take him.
Young_Link13 t1_j8bt30s wrote
Hey, it's me minding over here
Stealthnt13 t1_j8bthxr wrote
Big dick Carr.
clineaus t1_j8bu05y wrote
Why on earth would he help the raiders after how they treated him in the end?
Huegod t1_j8bua9m wrote
Good for him.
[deleted] t1_j8buu67 wrote
Chris_M_23 t1_j8buyhy wrote
No trade clause working as intended. The ownership, front office, and coaching staff have done nothing but throw him under the bus this season, I don’t blame him at all
Segat1133 t1_j8buytr wrote
I legit want nothing more than that. Just take their money, tell them to fuck off and then just deep dick them anyway.
thislife_choseme t1_j8bvuru wrote
Yep. He’s had his shot and proven he can’t head coach in the nfl. The entire raiders season was a failure because of mcdaniels.
BCLetsRide69 OP t1_j8bwcc9 wrote
As a Broncos fan… we warned all the Raiders fans about McDaniels. He was absolute shit here.
Knight2043 t1_j8bwjk7 wrote
Neither can the saints. But we have Loomis magic
Knight2043 t1_j8bwv2u wrote
To spite the raidere for how they treated him towards the end of the season. One last fuck you.
chocobo-selecta t1_j8bwvjw wrote
Huh? They just won the Super Bowl! Lol
chocobo-selecta t1_j8bxa7i wrote
I’ll answer as people seem to be rude and downvoting you.
- A trade is the move of swapping a player’s rights for another player or draft picks.
- a team would trade a player in an effort to improve their team. Carr, while a decent player could have potentially better trade value than his worth in the Raiders setup.
- most of the time a player doesn’t want to be traded, however in this example Carr’s position is untenable. He’s been thrown under the bus by the Raiders this season.
Hope that helped.
[deleted] t1_j8bxeh3 wrote
popothemailman t1_j8bxm1s wrote
Carr was checking down in the pro bowl. Give me a break. He’s good, not 40mil/yr good
mesotermoekso t1_j8bxsjy wrote
yeah he's a good coach in general but just not capable of running his own system
popothemailman t1_j8by4uy wrote
Rejecting because there are offers? He’s rejecting so 1) he can control his destiny and more importantly 2) he’s realizing he’s not gonna get 40mil/year so might as well get that 5mil a year from the Raiders + that new contract money which probably still won’t add up to 40mil/year
brykasch t1_j8by6ck wrote
As a final.fu to a team that threw him under the bus.
deebo911 t1_j8byb3c wrote
It’s called the franchise tag
Acquiescinit t1_j8byey5 wrote
Colts said they want to draft someone. I wouldn't be too worried.
deebo911 t1_j8byfbr wrote
He will be franchise tagged if no deal is reached. Absolutely zero percent chance he leaves Seattle next year
danish07 t1_j8bymsp wrote
You might end up being right but it’s not a zero percent chance. That’s a stupid thing to say.
[deleted] t1_j8byoky wrote
Vegas_off_the_Strip t1_j8byozn wrote
I agree with him. Why would he weaken the team he is going to by making them give something to the Raiders in a trade for him when he’ll be a free agent?
Plus, requiring a trade likely reduces the number of teams he can go to and all negotiations have to start with the Raiders.
Just wait, make them waive you, and then you can negotiate with every team out there.
zdfld t1_j8bytqv wrote
In this case, the team can either trade him to get something, or lose him for nothing, since Carr is going to leave the team one way or another.
In general, teams would make a trade because each side of the trade fits a need. For example a team that's rebuilding may trade a high value player for a lot of draft picks to a team trying to win the championship. Or a team strong at one position trading with another to strengthen a different position.
A player would always benefit from being a free agent rather than a trade, so it's rare for a player to want to be traded. If a player is a free agent, they can choose a team and negotiate a new contract. If they're traded, they have no say to who, and their existing contract stays. (In this case, Carr has a "no trade" clause in his contract, so he can say no).
i_use_this_for_work t1_j8c0oym wrote
Commanders bro.
Jossie2014 t1_j8c0s5y wrote
Pretty much. He’s not a bad quarterback, just a bad fit for the team. But foolish is in the Davis blood so I chuckled when I read this.
Attey21 t1_j8c114r wrote
I'd join the Jets if I was him. So much talent they just need a QB. He'd be like Testaverde when he played with them could see them making the playoffs and winning some games.
BrewtusMaximus1 t1_j8c1fqj wrote
Carr’s extension only had $5.6M in signing bonuses. That’s the only dead money if he’s waived.
kingp43x t1_j8c1j4x wrote
It will cost them about 5.6 million to cut him
[deleted] t1_j8c1n2q wrote
kingp43x t1_j8c1o9a wrote
and next year he can fire his DC and blame him to maybe get another year
SaulGreatmon t1_j8c1xra wrote
I’d rather have him than Dak Prescott.
[deleted] t1_j8c28g7 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8c2b02 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8c2fjg wrote
Feel bad for whatever team brings him on, in hopes of success… the guy simply loses
belizeanheat t1_j8c2hwu wrote
Meh, he won't be that top
[deleted] t1_j8c2kig wrote
Which is great for Vegas, but there’s certainly no guaranteeing what he will get on the open market… Carr was financially spoiled while with the raiders …. Reality check incoming
GunplaAddict t1_j8c31sg wrote
Raiders fan here, I completely agree. We always find a way to fumble the bag.
[deleted] t1_j8c3j15 wrote
Yoloswaggit420 t1_j8c3ms1 wrote
49ers gonna need a 6th qb to make it thru next season 👀
[deleted] t1_j8c46cz wrote
OhPxpi t1_j8c4dz0 wrote
Cowboys please!!!
Im_with_stooopid t1_j8c4lek wrote
But they have to put up with Desantis and the state of Florida’s Malarkey.
GrumpyGanker t1_j8c53wl wrote
It will be interesting to come back to this comment in a year or two. You might be right…Carr might suck.
[deleted] t1_j8c5qrs wrote
I’m certain wherever he goes, they won’t be as patient as the Raiders were…
austic t1_j8c8ofh wrote
Feel bad for Adams. Went from a mvp qb to….
rtb001 t1_j8cacnb wrote
Well if they were truly incompetent, they'd somehow mess up the release paperwork and miss the deadline, thereby giving Carr a 40 million dollar payday next week!
rtb001 t1_j8cambj wrote
And give them an excuse to void the contract and lose out on 40 million bucks? Just go out there on opening day and start chucking some INTs. That'll solve the playing for them problem without losing a single dollar.
[deleted] t1_j8cd39n wrote
[deleted] t1_j8cgyqc wrote
[deleted] t1_j8ch3le wrote
ReflexiveOW t1_j8chyij wrote
That's what they get for being so disrespectful to a guy who's never disrespected them.
Snuffleupagus03 t1_j8ci9x8 wrote
How many players has Schneider franchise tagged in all the years here?
I guess it’s possible, but I’m certainly not feeling confident.
davisyoung t1_j8cis32 wrote
His contract was extended last offseason so he actually has three years left. A trade benefits Carr in that he would continue to be paid under the current contract which is like $35M next year and over $40M for each of the last two. I suspect the price was too high hence the negotiations with the Saints. He becomes a free agent only if the Raiders release him. Carr might not get as much in a new contract put he was highly motivated to fuck over the Raiders.
SevereRunOfFate t1_j8cj6i8 wrote
As a Seahawks fan.. we tried warning all the Bronc-- actually, never mind.
BCLetsRide69 OP t1_j8cjana wrote
Russ looked fine last 3 games of the season with Rosburg as interim HC. Keep in mind a lot of the games we played were close losses. Russ will bounce back with Payton, Hackett was a TERRIBLE HC.
joodo123 t1_j8ckdk5 wrote
The Broncos are paying Russel Wilson 40 million a year.Carr is objectively better than Russ over the course of five years. Derrick Carr is the definition of replacement level but that disregards the guys he is significantly better than. Which is half the league.
jaxjags80 t1_j8clope wrote
Tebow saved his ass
ghigoli t1_j8crq6d wrote
Carr isn't super bowl level QB but he doesn't suck tbh.
The issue is the raiders have this weird ass ability to blow games.
ATLL2112 t1_j8cs2zy wrote
I think this is more about having more options for landing spots. Teams likely not willing to give up much in a trade for him given the circumstances, so there's probably not many suitors currently.
As a FA he can take his pick of any team in search of a competent QB such as NO, NYJ, CAR, HOU, INDY, WAS, TB, ATL. He can probably pick his spot if he's willing to be flexible with his contract.
ATLL2112 t1_j8cs63e wrote
You're on drugs
ATLL2112 t1_j8cs83y wrote
They need an entire new offense other than RB.
DFu4ever t1_j8cth6m wrote
God I wish the Raiders could find new ownership. It’s been a shitshow for 30+ years at this point.
Zuwxiv t1_j8cuw43 wrote
He's gotten better, but there were a few inexcusable 4th-down throwaways. It really felt like he was more worried about his stat line than giving the team a chance to win.
I think he's better than most people give him credit for, but he's got to tighten up some of the decision making.
SaulGreatmon t1_j8cyzn2 wrote
He’s an ok qb just not worth the huge contract he has which sends players like Amari Cooper away. He lost the SF game with his ridiculous interceptions.
ATLL2112 t1_j8czgqf wrote
Dak is a top 10 QB. No doubt. Is he an elite QB that can truly carry a team a la Mahomes, Burrow, et al? No, but he's certainly a well above average QB.
Carr is at best a middle third guy. I'd take him over Daniel Jones, but not before Kirk Cousins. Plus he's older than Dak.
Dallas fucked up by signing Elliot before they locked in Dak's deal. The QB market was reset in that time and Dallas lost value by waiting. Now they have Elliot locked up to a contract that pays him like an elite RB when he's average at best. At least Dak is still better than most staying QBs.
SaulGreatmon t1_j8d0nr3 wrote
I think we are close to agreement. I’m just pissed he’s getting elite money when he can’t carry a team.
With the talent Dallas has had it could move Carr up from a middle third guy.
I’d like to see Zeke work out a new deal and stay as a back with the role he had at the end of the season.
ATLL2112 t1_j8d1pke wrote
I don't think so. It's not like Vegas was bereft of talent at WR Adams, Renfrow, Waller, Jacobs. I get that were hurt a lot this year, but he had talent around him.
I'm not arguing Dak is a world beater, but if we're picking teams in the schoolyard, I'm taking Dak every single time.
Dak's deal might be slightly above market rate, but it's not outrageous. He's getting $44.2m next year.
Kirk Cousins is getting $36.25.
Carr is due $40m unless he goes FA and signs for less, but I think he gets at least $30m.
There's almost no one below Dak's AAV that I'm taking over him that isn't on a rookie contract. Cousins might be the only one and that's debatable.
[deleted] t1_j8d1q5k wrote
SaulGreatmon t1_j8d2v3o wrote
I definitely wouldn’t want Cousins!
Dak isn’t good enough to win a super bowl because he makes too many unforced mistakes.
Where do you think Carr will end up?
ATLL2112 t1_j8d39x1 wrote
If I'm him, I want to go to TB, NYJ, NO, maybe WAS but I they claim to not be looking for a QB. Somewhere that isn't in a full rebuild and has some talent on offense.
I'd want to stay away from Carolina, Indy, Atlanta. Places that need to blow up the whole team.
EmpireFW t1_j8d5tag wrote
They agreed to the full no trade clause less than a year ago when they guaranteed him about $30M. One season later and they want to move on (rightfully, they’re limited with him) but it will cost them with the cap to get rid of him.
[deleted] t1_j8d74tk wrote
No chance he gets Wilson money…
Cichlidsaremyjam t1_j8dapep wrote
Even with there only being one other big name QB free agent this year, it's hard to find Derek Carr as a "top" free agent.
JaXm t1_j8dcj7j wrote
So if he has a no-trade clause in his contract why is the team even trying this? Are they ignoring/breaking the contract to trade? Are they buying it out?
JaXm t1_j8dcuxn wrote
It does helo. But i think there are nore questions now. For instance, In what way has he been thrown under the bus? I've also seen that he has a ni-trade clause in his contract, so what would rhe team gain by even attempting this? Did they break contract to force this? Buy it out?
chocobo-selecta t1_j8ddcd8 wrote
Great questions.
- The Raiders have underperform this season, and lost a fair few games by a one score margin. The blame for those losses, regardless of circumstance have been put on Carr’s shoulders. Unfairly in some instances.
- A no trade clause is usually inserted by the players side during a negotiation. It helps them have control over their careers. You have to remember, a lot of these folks have families in school, so the idea of having to uproot them and move to the other side of the country is extremely stressful.
- Teams gain literally nothing from a no trade clause. In fact, it’s rather rough for their forward looking potential. They’ve effectively lost all leverage.
[deleted] t1_j8deazl wrote
zdfld t1_j8deys9 wrote
They asked him, he said no, that's what's getting reported.
The purpose of the clause is to avoid a surprise trade to a team the player doesn't want. In this case, it wouldn't be a surprise and the teams are known, so sometimes players can waive it out of goodwill.
So I guess it's a "doesn't hurt to ask" thing. Though Carr was probably pretty unlikely to say yes anyways.
[deleted] t1_j8dsbx9 wrote
theqwoppingdead t1_j8dt5it wrote
Idk I’ve seen him throw the ball out of bounds on 4th down late in the 4th quarter on a potential game winning drive multiple times. Taking the loss instead of risking stats looking bad on a low probability throw with nothing to lose. I would be upset if my team had Carr as the qb
[deleted] t1_j8dxxy1 wrote
Perks508 t1_j8e07vf wrote
Damn so does that mean Devante about to sit out or demand a trade since Carr being QB was the reason he signed with Vegas in the first place?
techieman33 t1_j8e25il wrote
They could, but Davis doesn’t want to sell.
LandooooXTrvls t1_j8e2os1 wrote
Can someone give a casual fan an explanation of went wrong with Carr and the raiders? I remember the hype around the team during his earlier years. I was hoping it panned out.
TruckCamperNomad6969 t1_j8e3bxh wrote
Not sure why you’re getting downvotes, last year wasn’t even close. Overall I think Carr is better career wise no question, but he was mediocre at best in ‘22.
2022 Stats
Carr 22TD, 14INT, 0 Rushing TD, 60.8%, 86.3 Rating, 4 Fumbles
Smith 30TD, 11INT, 1 Rushing TD, 69.8%, 100.9 rating, 8 Fumbles
BuckBruno t1_j8e4h4s wrote
Lol exactly. Carr has had a better career, but to start in 2023, I’m taking Geno 10 times out of 10.
DC is washed
Hot_Negotiation3480 t1_j8e56f4 wrote
I love Derek Carr, but I think that he has not been able to thrive in the NFL due in large part to his circumstances. With his ever changing carousel of coaches. Now, I sure hope that he goes to a well deserved team, worthy of his credible arm strength, accuracy, and play judgment. he won’t ever be a Tom Brady, but I truly believe that he can win at least one Super Bowl.
RecoveringRed t1_j8e7tbk wrote
That would be sooo beautiful!
brahbocop t1_j8ea144 wrote
From an outsiders point of view, that team has been horribly managed for years and has had several massive off the field issues that only threw gas on the fire. Derek has had a carousel of coaches as well. I’m glad he’s sticking it to the team and hope he lands in a great spot next year and thrives.
gnowbot t1_j8ecuvd wrote
Tornado Josh.
Vegas_off_the_Strip t1_j8edd99 wrote
He’s not going to get drastically less. He has made a ton of money playing for shitty organizations already.
He watched his brother have a career ended before it began because of a shitty organization’s incompetence.
I imagine if you told Carr that he could make $35m & $40m playing for Raiders/McDaniels and missing the playoffs the next two years or make $25m both years but on a super bowl contending team he would take the $25m.
It’s not just the money and playoff opportunities. He will get extra years if he plays somewhere that he isn’t killed behind a shitty O-line every game.
Plus, if he is on a team making playoff runs each year he’ll get extended. But on a team that misses the playoff because of a lot of one score losses (like Raiders this year) he is not getting extended and is being blamed for organizational failures that are out of his control (exactly what happened with the Raiders this year).
Raiders have made it clear they are moving on at QB. That means they will cut him because no NFL team can afford to pay a backup QB $35m. Especially not while paying the starter top money. The Raiders have no good rookie QBs on their roster so they are looking at veterans (Rodgers seems to be their preference) and that’s expensive.
Hell, look at how many of the playoff teams have QBs on their rookie deal, which allows for more money going to the rest of the roster. Jalen Hurts, Trevor Lawrence, Joe Burrow, Justin Herbert, you get the point. I’m not going to include Brock Purdy or Trey Lance here because the 49ers couldn’t unload Jimmy G last year and had his contact on the books.
When the Chiefs paid Mahomes they had to make decisions for who, ultimately, would not get paid and that cost them Tyreek Hill.
There is just no way that Raiders keep him as a backup.
What is possible is that the Raiders run into a situation where they don’t get anyone better and don’t cut him and have to bring him back for a lame duck year similar to what happened with San Francisco and Mr Glass (aka, Jimmy G) this past season. However, I think McDaniels wants Carr out of the building as quick as he can get rid of him so that McDaniels might lose some of his competition for Rodgers. Realize that there are only a handful of teams that the top veterans will go to and McDaniels has to compete against those teams for the QBs. I think McDaniels hopes Carr signs with the Jets or Tennessee, which is probably the Raiders’ top competition for Rodgers because those are complete teams with good defense and good coaching that are probably just a QB away from going deep in the playoffs. If one of those sign Carr, then it increases Vegas’s chances of getting Aaron.
neddiddley t1_j8efed5 wrote
Yeah, seriously.
This is something I always wonder about with teams that aren’t already stacked going out and trading for a 1st or 2nd tier QB. That QB has to realize that between his cap hit and the assets his new team is giving up, they’re going to be limited in their ability to build the team around them. It’s one thing if you’re a Rodgers type that’s going to play another year or two and ride off into the sunset, because you don’t care about those draft picks nearly as much, but if you’re Carr, why would you choose to handcuff your new team even more?
Vegas_off_the_Strip t1_j8efp2i wrote
I 100% agree. And at this point I suspect Carr would gladly give up some money to be on a true Superbowl caliber team.
Brady hasn’t been the top paid QB in forever. He basically takes $25m per year and makes sure part of his pay cut goes toward an OLine that keeps him clean every game and that is how he’s simultaneously played games and drawn social security checks.
I think Carr watched Matthew Stafford go from an entire career of “next year is our year” with Detroit to a Super Bowl ring with the Rams and Carr wants to try and change his legacy in the same way.
If I were Carr I would get cut, go to the Jets for $25m and take them to the playoffs. Jetts have an insanely loyal fanbase and that’s a legit NY team. The advertising opportunities would pour in if he just wins the AFC. They have a top 5 defense, tons of young skill players and a good O line and solid coaching.
In two years he would basically be neighbors with McDaniels again when McDaniels is fired and goes back home to be his daddy’s OC in New England.
ATLL2112 t1_j8efwi8 wrote
Jets definitely seem like a quality landing spot. They might not be SB bound just by adding a competent QB, but if they had one this year, they'd have at least made them playoffs.
zion2199 t1_j8eilaw wrote
I wondered that about Sean Payton. Was there really no other way out of the Saints’ contract? Could he have just walked in one day and started coaching like “I’m under contract, remember?”
Vegas_off_the_Strip t1_j8eisyq wrote
And if you get the Jetts past the first round of the playoffs 3 or more times you are a Jetts legend. That fanbase is desperate and loyal.
There is nowhere else that Carr has the potential to become a local god in the way he can with the Jetts. Hell, he doesn’t even have to win a SB there. But if he does then he gets statues and babies named after him.
Incidentally, I think this is why Rodgers will want to go there as well. Aaron seems so preoccupied with his ego and his legacy that the chance to be a franchise’s brightest star since Broadway Joe Namath in the 60s & 70s will have a strong appeal to Aaron; and Rodgers probably thinks he would be a bigger star than Joe (he wouldn’t).
[deleted] t1_j8elwbq wrote
JaXm t1_j8eqnwo wrote
That all makes sense. And this has been fun to discuss and learn. Though I messed up the wording of my last question, which I meant to ask as, what does the team gain by trying to trade him, despite the no-trade clause? Aren't they just opening themselves up to some kind of contract dispute?
Psychological_Lie_38 t1_j8erjcb wrote
Smart move. He wants to go where every he wants and keep most of the talent there.
chocobo-selecta t1_j8esv70 wrote
No, because ultimately the player controls their destiny. If the player chooses to stay at their current team, then the only other option is to release them on a free and pay a huge fee. Not really any chance of a contract dispute as the player has the leverage, and the team only has no power.
[deleted] t1_j8etcch wrote
But not in front of the entire nation in an NFC Championship game against a (formerly) beloved Brett Favre though.
see-bees t1_j8eukjh wrote
The internet has ruined my brain, and I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.
[deleted] t1_j8evqmy wrote
[deleted] t1_j8ewlwp wrote
elcabeza79 t1_j8f2rz8 wrote
The niners should sign him just in case they're down to their 5th string QB in a playoff game again.
[deleted] t1_j8fb63q wrote
hermes-thrice-great t1_j8g3xup wrote
20+ years of horrible defense will do that to a team
XxNHLxX t1_j8gbdjd wrote
As a Broncos fan, I never thought I’d be saying it, but hell yeah I love what Carr is doing
Spearsy23 t1_j8gmwku wrote
Post links please
[deleted] t1_j8hq9ni wrote
You honestly don't remember what particularly led to the NFL's interest in bounty-gate? The repeated late and dirty hits on Favre in the Championship were it. And fuck Favre - not a fan.
see-bees t1_j8i197w wrote
No, I remember the game. But I also remember that everyone outside of Minnesota celebrated the strategy at the time. Favre was an older, less mobile quarterback who held onto the ball too long, QBs were not yet a protected species, and refs tend to hold onto their flags in the playoffs. It wasn’t a NICE strategy, but it was a viable one given the state of the NFL at the time.
Here’s the real deal though - the only reason it really mattered is because the NFL, after YEARS of denial, finally had to admit that concussions were bad in 2012. The Saints and NFC championship game, until then viewed as “this is what the NFL is about”, got flipped to “this is everything that’s wrong with today’s game, stop it now.”
[deleted] t1_j8i23fr wrote
Fair enough. I could be projecting too.
-_Empress_- t1_j8iue3t wrote
Can someone explain to me what this trading is? I see it every year but I don't follow sports and have no clue how it works. I always just assumed players could go wherever they wanted if there was an opening?
Nickgio999 t1_j8j05a1 wrote
“Top” lol. Dude sucks… hes weird and mentally weak. I wouldnt want him to play on my flag team
[deleted] t1_j8lxeb5 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8u8l0c wrote
joey_r00 t1_j8adw3q wrote
Raiders are stupid. They will take a major cap hit by releasing him. Just let him play another year. He had the worst year of his career and he’s not a bad quarterback