BaldDudeFromBrazzers t1_j9zjisi wrote
Italy… can be different
SwagCleric t1_j9zmj10 wrote
Who has so much hate in them over a soccer team?
[deleted] t1_j9zms6u wrote
[deleted] t1_j9zmszz wrote
cujukenmari t1_j9zvkxl wrote
Sport runs a bit deeper than just sport in Italy. There are a lot of political/social affiliations with certain teams. Probably related to that in some way.
To try and relate it to America, imagine if when Portland plays Dallas a portion of Dallas's fanbase travels to Portland together and are affiliated with Qanon or some ring wing group and they travel to Portland not just to support their team, but to antagonize members of Portlands supporter groups who are affiliated with antifa.
Luckily we do not have this in the US, but this is the state of soccer in Italy.
TheGrimReefah t1_ja0ok3f wrote
It’s Italian football my dude
SunBunny11 t1_ja0zt84 wrote
The people who didn’t buy I to the religion bullshit. Same mindset…. Different idols
LVorenus2020 t1_ja1vn60 wrote
The hit Netflix series "Black Mirror" debuted with an episode called "The National Anthem"...
Alecto7374 t1_j9zce68 wrote
How empty can a person's life be to invest that much effort and hate into a sport or a sports personality? I'll never understand it.