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1imp4n t1_jadkenf wrote

Congrats Jessie! I was hoping for Ebba or Frida but I'm glad Jessie won it, anytime a nation other than Sweden or Norway wins is good for the sport.


Buckscience t1_jadno5i wrote

So many of the top racers are easy to root for. Jessie will always be my favorite, but on any given day it's usually easy to be happy for whoever is on the podium...though I can't say I miss Johaug that much...


Nolofinwe_Curufinwe t1_jaf2kzk wrote

Why? Johaug was a boss.


Buckscience t1_jaf2x9k wrote

She was so good I could appreciate her greatness, but it was boring when every race was a race for silver.


avdpos t1_jadvi9w wrote

Even if I am a swede I agree . We have after all already got a full podium already this year.