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[deleted] t1_jadwmd2 wrote


freerangetrollfarmer t1_jae3rzx wrote

You can also teach toddlers to run, but it’s flipping hard to win a marathon with best runners from around the world.


Forkrul t1_jaekzds wrote

He didn't say competitive skiing was hard, he said skiing itself was hard. Which it's very much not.


SD_prairie_Goat t1_jae8z87 wrote

I'm on your side. Really not that hard to learn how to ski. Learning to ski well is more about being amazingly in shape, technical skill comes later.

I'm guessing all the down votes have never tried skiing and just imagine it's difficult


Mastodon31 t1_jaec41c wrote

Ok now go ski up the mountain. Let me know if you can still do this


SD_prairie_Goat t1_jaech1s wrote

I'm in a limited snow state, but I could. You don't forget 8 years of xc skiing. Might be rusty and out of shape but it's like riding a bike


Forkrul t1_jaekk80 wrote

I've skied up mountains, down mountains and across highlands on cross country skis since I was a little boy. It's really not hard, you just need to be in decent shape if you want to go fast. My mom is past 70 and still goes for 5 or 10 mile trips regularly for some light exercise.
