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theNatureOf t1_jc7z9az wrote

I usually watch every game but I feel like this is too much? It's only going to wear out the players and decrease the playing quality like someone mentioned before.


nangarranga t1_jc8u3k0 wrote

Wouldn’t teams only play at most 1 more game than in a 32-team comp? And wouldn’t there now be longer breaks between group games (even if only by a couple of days)?


Sino13 t1_jc957je wrote

Start watching in the second round? Lol idk where the line is drawn before any professional sports tournament gets “too big” but I’m generally a fan of welcoming more competition.

I don’t watch much college basketball during the regular season but it’s always a blast seeing some random small-school team who squeaked into the NCAA tournament go on a run for a few rounds. That’s more energizing/entertaining to me than watching the same blue-blood schools who ultimately win the championship more years than not.

When the scope of the tournament starts having a negative impact on the performance of the championship match then that’s too far imo though