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ExaBrain t1_jcehjx5 wrote

This actually sounds like it might be a genuine case. Her previous mental health issues and missing her last test only after announcing she was taking the rest of 2022 off give the impression that she’s was disengaged and had probably stopped updating her location.


meem09 t1_jceysbm wrote

What do you mean by genuine case? That she has a case to appeal this?

I don't think that's how it works. Or at least it shouldn't. Yes, rules like this always place a bigger burden on people outside the norm, such as people with mental health issues, but at the end of the day it is very, very well known that world-class athletes always have to be available for testing or at least update their whereabouts. At the very least someone in her circle should be on top of this. Specifically after two strikes. Additionally, you can't just say "I'm done competing for this year" and that stops testing. Arguably that's exactly the point where there should be more tests, because a long period of not competing right before the Olympic season is where you would run a nice series of gear if that were what you are doing, to get the most out of that time.

Not saying she has done anything. She's not accused of that, but the system is in place the way it is for very good reasons and there seems to be no doubt that she did miss those tests.


jorge1209 t1_jcfhzjh wrote

> At the very least someone in her circle should be on top of this.

Athletes don't make enough money to have a personal assistant to do this crap for them. When you say "her circle" you basically mean "her mom or dad, or her coach" both of whom likely have their own full-time jobs.

Also, only one person is allowed inside the throwing circle during a throw. Everyone else is supposed to be behind the cage.


Harambiz t1_jcfngri wrote

Most of them actually make a pretty decent living, with sponsors like Nike and Leidos she certainly isn’t hurting for money. Not to mention winning gold medal is a cool $37,000 payout.


patricksaurus t1_jcfzq5f wrote

That’s a very wrong impression. You can find any number of stories that all say the same thing: most Olympic athletes are not in good financial shape.


Harambiz t1_jchxc4p wrote

A literal quote from your first article “Paycheck depends on how I preform at a major championships once every 2-4 years. If I do not preform well in one moment I cannot financially support myself.”

Yes most athletes don’t do well, but most athletes also aren’t gold medalist with billion dollar corporations sponsoring them. She is fine.


patricksaurus t1_jchxqcq wrote

Yes, it is possible to read one sentence from the four articles I listed and dishonestly maintain a false impression. If you’re more interested in arguing than being correct, I mean.


Harambiz t1_jci1x1j wrote

If you simply look up her net worth she is worth anywhere between 400k-5 million. Which is far higher than the median American net worth of 122k


patricksaurus t1_jci4awl wrote

You went to "" or some similar completely bullshit site, believed it, and weren't at all alarmed that the estimate has an uncertainty of a factor of 12.5?

All in service of not having to learn something new... quite a commitment to preserving your ignorance.


Harambiz t1_jci4pr3 wrote

I looked at multiple sites, and gave you the range I got. She got money, she even said after winning gold that money would no longer be an issue. It’s crazy to think that a gold medal athlete with multiple big sponsorship deals is anywhere near the average American.


patricksaurus t1_jci577a wrote

So you took the average of dogshit information and think you got something other than dogshit?

I mean, at least you're consistent.


Harambiz t1_jci5gqe wrote

You have provided nothing to state she isn’t doing well other than some cherry picked articles that says average Olympic athlete’s are struggling. She isn’t average.


patricksaurus t1_jci7s84 wrote

So in your world, a string of articles by credible news sources who interview people and cite data is less compelling than notoriously inaccurate websites that guess celebrity net worth?

You have to be breathing exhaust fumes and eating lead paint to think like this.

Feel free to google for yourself. See if you find a string of article describing Olympic athletes living the high life.


ExaBrain t1_jcf95k3 wrote

I simply meant a genuine case of it being accidental and not malicious - I did not comment on the rights and wrongs of the process as I’m actually a strong advocate of these penalties to prevent PEDS usage.


solofatty09 t1_jcfa1o4 wrote

Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern…


jyzenbok t1_jcfs2nr wrote

Or she just is giving it up and doesn’t care about the tests. Or getting clean. Who knows.


meem09 t1_jcf9wxx wrote

Thanks for clarifying.

On her insta she says she retook every test and passed them all. So at that point, I think you are right that - as unbelievable as I may have found it at first - accidental is correct.


ExaBrain t1_jcfaloy wrote

While I’ve never been in a continuous testing program I have been at a level where I’ve been tested in competition so I have some appreciation of the responsibilities of an athlete as I’ve competed against them. I can well imagine the attraction of going “fuck it!” And not updating your location as often as you should.