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getjustin t1_jcknf0w wrote

> It was EXTREMELY exploitative. And with MLB making billions of dollars, they can certainly afford to pay their employees a living wage.

We have an acquaintance whose family owns a minor league team. Rich fucking cockbags doesn't even begin to describe them. They were so fervently against unioninize because they knew they'd have to — you know — fucking pay people.

Happy for the players, but almost as happy these shitheels didn't get their way. Pay up, you cheap fucks.


uofwi92 t1_jckwgkp wrote

The owners of an affiliated minor league team do not pay the players.

The owners of the parent MLB team do.


getjustin t1_jckwo0o wrote

Point taken. But look, as long as this guy's pissed, I'm happy.


uofwi92 t1_jckyk47 wrote

I don’t see any reason why the rich fucking cockbag would be pissed at MiLB unionization - it doesn’t cost them a penny, but rather is very useful to them. It’s good PR, happy players more willing to do promotional events, etc.

Other than, of course, they’re opposed on general principles, because rich fucking cockbag.


skaptastic t1_jckttfu wrote


the bosses don’t want you to unionize because then they’ll have to treat you like a human and not an object that makes money for their wallets and not your own.