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OsCrowsAndNattyBohs1 t1_jd9pwlv wrote

Yes like American football where you cant be a 16 year old 65kg twink and play be at the top of the sport. That actually goes every single one of the big 4 leagues. You are never going to see someone under 18-19 years old and under 70kg in the NHL, NFL, NBA and MLB. American sports require a level of size and strength that teenagers dont have. You literally need to be a full grown adult to play American sports, you dont need to be to play soccer.


theocrats t1_jd9rhle wrote

Don't know what soccer is. Yanks make me laugh, heard of rugby?


OsCrowsAndNattyBohs1 t1_jd9ss03 wrote

Do you deny that association football can be played at the highest level by 65kg children? Sure I know what rugby union is, league is superior anyways. And if you wanna talk about pads how about the suit of armor that cricket batters, baseball players literally just where a helmet with no face cover. Some dont even wear batting gloves and they face much higher velocities than cricket batters.


theocrats t1_jd9uhab wrote

Let the world decide which sport is better.

Anyway what weird machismo. Body weight and strength ≠ adult or athleticism.

Horses for courses. A 65kg footballer is still an athlete. Football requires more long distance running over long periods. Yank sports stop for adverts every 5 minutes, lots of time to get their breath back!


OsCrowsAndNattyBohs1 t1_jd9xd0b wrote

Sure and the most popular sport by far where you are from is literally played by children at the highest level. Being more popular doesnt make it more of a mans sport.


theocrats t1_jda0rsv wrote

TIL long distance runners, swinmers, cyclists, triathletes, footballers, professional athletes are in fact children.


OsCrowsAndNattyBohs1 t1_jdayzdc wrote

Never said they were all children simply that children can compete at the highest level of the sport. You are the one who brought up the "adult sports". Also to your previous comment, size and strength absolutely equals adult. Adults are stronger than heavier than teenagers pretty ismply. There is a reason you dont see teenagers at the highest level of strength and combat sports, certainly not 15-17 year olds.