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MisterDisinformation t1_jeb71wk wrote

Yeah, let me know when Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz are buying up EPL teams. I'll buy a plane ticket to the UK to protest.

Sorry but John Henry just isn't nearly as problematic as the Saudi royal family or Russian oligarchs lol, and anyone who thinks he is is wildly ignorant.


NotOSIsdormmole t1_jeb8mi4 wrote

Donald Rumsfeld is dead sooooooooo


eazygiezy t1_jed25kj wrote

If only Kissinger would just fuck off to Hell too


Z0idberg_MD t1_jecqwur wrote

The irony is Liverpool fans that don’t like their current owners complain that they don’t “invest”. Which basically means they don’t just dump their own personal funds into the club and rely on developing it to grow the brand and increase revenues. Which is basically have any reasonable business should be run. They also, oh I don’t know won them a champions league and the Premier league title?

Anyone that thinks the Henry is a problem is basically want an oil money without admitting it.