Submitted by KindArgument0 t3_y0fnoz in sports
biscuitslayer77 t1_irsdrg4 wrote
They won't. The only hope is that putin is unalived some how before any more senseless deaths occur.
uglykidjoel t1_irso8ew wrote
Truly sencerely sorry for the loss. These are really sad days. Slava Ukraine
ChonchitoRito t1_irsp24i wrote
RIP to a true hero.
Teknodr0men t1_irsp2g1 wrote
One more soul stolen by Russia.
TumblrLoser t1_irspjva wrote
All for a pointless invasion doomed to fail
dschultz50 t1_irsvo5e wrote
They won’t. Putin fragile ego has been damaged after the bridge bombing. This is only going to get worse.
d_e_l_u_x_e t1_irsvpub wrote
Fuck Putin and his senseless war. The sooner he’s out of power the better the world will be.
react_dev t1_irswcsg wrote
It’s no longer about “giving up the invasion”
The war will not end until Ukraine has taken back all lands lost plus Crimea mark my words. Russia wishes the war could end in the current state of territory.
VolkspanzerIsME t1_irsy1gb wrote
Putin has no choice. He's backed into a corner. If he capitulates he loses all the fear he has used to rule so far. He either wins or he dies.
Bizjub1397 t1_irszlud wrote
Just as much of a senseless loss of life as every other life lost to this conflict so far. Soldier, civilian, athlete, worker, mother, father, daughter, son, Ukrainian, Russian… doesn’t matter, all of it is senseless
jeenyus79 t1_irt11gp wrote
Ukraine is not winning this. The only exit is Russia stopping.
miggly t1_irt2ihd wrote
Yea, Russia has shown that they're a very competent force capable of holding their claimed territory time and time again.
Ownzalot t1_irt31dw wrote
I believe there's some serious concerns that whoever replaces him is even more pro war / hard line. There's no guarantee it gets better if Putin is gone.. perhaps even part of the reason he's still there to begin with.
[deleted] t1_irt43h5 wrote
DragoonXNucleon t1_irt46d2 wrote
So assassination then, dunno why this isn't the solution. He senselessly kills thousands more of we kill 1 single person. This is the trolley problem and we're choosing the wrong answer continually.
It is an objective fact that Putin is more dangerous than Bin Laden ever was and his body is at the bottom of the ocean now.
Habeus0 t1_irt4igf wrote
super_sayanything t1_irt4qxw wrote
Crimea originally pretty much wanted to join Russia, I'm really curious what an accurate poll would say today.
xmronadaily t1_irt62ml wrote
Should've stayed in the swimming pools.
VolkspanzerIsME t1_irt6nu0 wrote
Yeah, fuck "we".
This is on the Russian people to take care of. If "we" have anything to do with it it will only escalate things dramatically.
BadMedAdvice t1_irt722x wrote
The escalation is already occurring, no further input required.
BadMedAdvice t1_irt78tv wrote
According to whom? The Russian vote?
pablonus t1_irt7d5o wrote
May that bridge come crumbling down.
pablonus t1_irt7iv5 wrote
Yea. Assassination by an outside party is extremely dangerous and will escalate a nation to the max. Like it was said before. It has to be done internally by Russians.
IronPeter t1_irt7oib wrote
I think he knows that and takes countermeasures
pablonus t1_irt7r4m wrote
Exactly. It's wasn't even a ukranian. Vote it was by Russia. How anyone could take that as legitimate is beyond me.
pablonus t1_irt7vey wrote
Sadly they for the most part have been. Always playing the victim and never recognizing their faults.
[deleted] t1_irt897t wrote
bad113 t1_irtadob wrote
Should've stayed in your daddy's balls.
DragoonXNucleon t1_irtaylm wrote
The guy is out making open air, public, prescheduled speeches. If we wanted him dead, he'd be dead. Yet, there is is, just leveling a nation that did nothing wrong but exist.
mrstewart26 t1_irtcs8e wrote
Ever heard of Franz Ferdinand?
vancityvic t1_irtcux3 wrote
How, when his countries at war? He’s not a coward like you
Budget-Yak-5271 t1_irtd7x5 wrote
I’m ukrainian and unfortunately not a lot of russians really want to get rid of Putin, I think it’s like maximum 20%, others are just saying that we are bombing ourselves. Only if u saw a comments under a posts of propaganda journalist about todays bombing, these people were HAPPY and PROUD that Putin did it, it’s just funny and disgusting at the same time, really.
super_sayanything t1_irtdgmd wrote
The United Nations did polls throughout the 2000's that showed they wanted to be part of Russia.
It was a known fact Crimea wanted to be a part of Russia.
I'm curious what an accurate poll would say today, how's that downvotable?
pablonus t1_irtdu91 wrote
To bad they didn't go through ukraine on the vote. Russia had no say in it. Crimea is still occupied ukranian territory. Once Russia is out and peace is restored perhaps a real referendum can be head by Ukraine and it's provinces to decide if that is the final fate. Until then too bad.
Budget-Yak-5271 t1_irteeq9 wrote
Also almost everybody in Ukraine hates russians now, it’s not racist or something, it’s more about what this nation is really about and their people, everybody in this country is just a coward even the russians who don’t support war, mainly because they don’t really do protests. Just compare russian protests against the government(they just last for maximum 20mins) and ukrainian ones, just remember Euromaidan.
IV4K t1_irtes9l wrote
They hold more than they did on Feb 23 and Ukraine still holds less. They’ve recaptured a lot of land but they’re still far from winning and it’s not certain that they ever will. Lots of fight left in both sides.
europeanputin t1_irtev9r wrote
Yet another reason to keep Russian athletes away from any international sports. While Ukrainian athletes need to defend their home, there's no place for Russians in any sports competition.
miggly t1_irtg907 wrote
You're insane if you think any land they 'hold' will stay held. Ukraine has already shown that any actual efforts to maintain an area is going to end poorly for Russia.
VolkspanzerIsME t1_irtgj73 wrote
I am unfortunately aware of the average Russians opinion on the war. That's what worries me. I fully expect Putin to go "scorched earth" rather than lose face by admitting any level of defeat. I am also aware of the Russians cultural and historic denigration of Ukrainians. Russians losing to Ukrainians is unthinkable for a large percentage of the population.
Putin is "all in" at this point. There is no future in which he capitulates and retains power. So he's going to escalate and escalate until he can't or he's dead.
VolkspanzerIsME t1_irth28x wrote
There is also the historic and cultural disdain the Russians have for the Ukrainians. They even have a bigoted term for them. In the average russians mind it is unthinkable to lose to Ukraine. It's an old trick. Dehumanize the enemy and your soldiers are capable of anything.
Even if it was a Ukrainian that did the job I would still expect the nukes to fly.
This would need Russian fingerprints or none at all.
jeenyus79 t1_irthece wrote
You must be one of those dudes who thought that Russia is done for after the early sanctions and the ruble falling for a bit. Reddit people are ignorant af running from reality and hanging onto small russian setbacks seeing them as Ukraine winning the war.
Then you get an 84 rocket surprise in the morning and make a Pikachu face. Unless Putin is removed somehow or he decides that the annexed territory is enough and stops the war this can only escalate. There's a limit to US/EU's support to Ukraine.
super_sayanything t1_irthis4 wrote
Right, so again, I'm curious what an accurate poll would say. smdh.
[deleted] t1_irthkj5 wrote
pablonus t1_irthvo8 wrote
Guess one would have to be performed once it is liberated and Ukraine stabilized. Pretty sure a growing economic powerhouse of Ukraine will be better than the tatters of Russia that putler is leave them with.
super_sayanything t1_irti5zx wrote
Uh, yea but I'm not interested in what you think, I'm interested in what they think. Which neither of us know.
Budget-Yak-5271 t1_irtieje wrote
yeah, almost every russian believes that they are “Top 2 army in the world” and even think that their vehicles are better than USAs so really serious loses on front will destroy reputation of putin
Clarity007 t1_irtijn1 wrote
Thought this was a pic from dayz..
[deleted] t1_irtlazw wrote
SideBarParty t1_irtmqf9 wrote
Please. Lee Harvey. If you're out there, come back and kill Putin
Jake_Corona t1_irtn5nq wrote
There’s probably a lot more too it than that. There’s probably many logistical reasons it hasn’t been done already.
lebouffon88 t1_irtnnt4 wrote
Can you guys really imagine what happens if USA really ordered the assassination of a Russian president? It's an act of war. And we don't want to risk any open warfare because if there would be a world war 3, I know what weapon we would use in world war 4 (stone and club).
stonedmeatball t1_irto721 wrote
Please, stop calling it Putin's war. This war is not his sole responsibility.
Edited: see reply below on how I need to learn how to construct sentences In English. My stupid ass deserves those downvotes and comments:)
Oh shit. My bad. That was a poor wording from my side. I am a Ukrainian and all I wanted to say is that he is not the only responsible IN Russia. "Putin war" for me negates the fact that hundreds of thousands of people decided to step in my country with war and millions in Russia support this.
barsoapguy t1_irto79v wrote
Right , have you seen how long those tables he sits at are ? That in itself presents a huge problem.
barsoapguy t1_irtobiq wrote
Nah it’s American we would still have plenty of guns for WW4 AND we would still win it ! Go California republic !
D_Simmons t1_irtofse wrote
Yes it is.
barsoapguy t1_irtok5x wrote
Well to be fair to the Russians if you just stand on the street corner with a blank sign they will come and cart you off to prison . Also the Russian prisons are horrendous and you wouldn’t want to be thrown in one .
Budget-Yak-5271 t1_irtotag wrote
that’s why i’m saying to remember Euromaidan, there was a war between civilians and special forces. That’s how you fight for a freedom in country
Budget-Yak-5271 t1_irtow08 wrote
people were dying there not just sending to prison
barsoapguy t1_irtowy5 wrote
Once again that could just be the Russian cyber division writing a bunch of propaganda. The mass exodus of hundreds of thousands of Russian Military aged males seems to illustrate that they do understand that there’s a military conflict going on and that they want no part of it.
ImpavidArcher t1_irtp252 wrote
Sure as fuck is.
Budget-Yak-5271 t1_irtp3ej wrote
ik that’s there’s a propaganda but i know people there who don’t support war, but they do nothing, that’s why we hate them
Darkhale361 t1_irtp51w wrote
It most certainly is.
d_e_l_u_x_e t1_irtpbv3 wrote
Oh you blaming Ukraine? Or the Russian military leadership that has been relieved by… Putin? Who do you think has the power to end a invasion of a sovereign country? The invader or the invaded?
barsoapguy t1_irtpcc2 wrote
Until recently The average Russian had little reason to take up arms against their own state since they aren’t the ones currently being trampled on … that may change with the draft but it appears the most motivated are simply going “peace out” ✌️ .
I wouldn’t want to fight the Russian state either , I’d just dip . Not my problem anymore .
barsoapguy t1_irtpg5i wrote
Really they started murdering the protesters ?
Budget-Yak-5271 t1_irtpkfj wrote
read about euromaidan, i was talking about Ukraine in that comment
barsoapguy t1_irtpl8t wrote
What can they do ? Do you expect them to call up their local duma representative and tell them to vote against the war ?
They can do nothing except keep their heads down and try to survive as they’ve been doing for generations now .
TripolarKnight t1_irtpn1y wrote
If the US tried to kill Fidel Castro 100+ and failed, do you think the US hasn't tried it?
barsoapguy t1_irtpn7t wrote
miggly t1_irtppce wrote
What is your point?
Do you think repeatedly bombing an area is the course to victory? What's the end game?
Any 'annexed' territory is just going to have a massive insurgency while Russia fails to maintain control.
Budget-Yak-5271 t1_irtq0iz wrote
they can go out on protest, but not like a peaceful one which they are doing, but a serious one. If you have seen a videos from there you can see that the russians are just making a videos of how police taking people with them, and do absolutely nothing, that’s not how it works
Budget-Yak-5271 t1_irtq3fg wrote
making videos of how police is taking people to prison won’t help you at all
Trunyan17 t1_irtq4he wrote
Shut the fuck up
Budget-Yak-5271 t1_irtq54m wrote
that’s why all the russians for us are really a cowards
MarkPancake t1_irtq6j0 wrote
Oh is there someone telling Putin what to do that we don’t know about
Budget-Yak-5271 t1_irtq78n wrote
there’s already a draft in russia
barsoapguy t1_irtqejo wrote
Protest = prison or death .
It’s just not gonna happen my dude . Not like protesting would even do anything anyways . They would essentially have to revolt .
barsoapguy t1_irtqgyj wrote
It shows the world why they can’t protest .
barsoapguy t1_irtqrks wrote
If you had nuclear weapons and could wipe out their major population centers they might be more concerned because then they would have skin in the game .
TheColonelRLD t1_irtrl4w wrote
Go fuck yourself
[deleted] t1_irtrsg0 wrote
DustieBottums t1_irts7v0 wrote
I'm sorry but I don't think this guy is more special than everyone else that dies in combat. It makes it feel like the others were less important when I read these type of headlines. These categories that we put specific humans into is what starts these ware in the first place. I just wish we all looked at each other as one.not trying to be controversial but I want us all treated the same. Ugh, this gets me depressed.
stonedmeatball t1_irtsih7 wrote
Oh shit. My bad. That was a poor wording from my side. I am a Ukrainian and all I wanted to say is that he is not the only responsible IN Russia. "Putin war" for me negates the fact that hundreds of thousands of people decided to step in my country with war and millions in Russia support this.
[deleted] t1_irtsvdg wrote
American_Brewed t1_irttt12 wrote
Not the point man. We’re on a sports thread and they’re discussing competitive and top tier athletes dying in a conflict.
FailureToComply0 t1_irttv58 wrote
The point isn't that he's more or less special than others. The point is the cost of the war.
DustieBottums t1_irtum39 wrote
Honestly my awareness was not present and didn't even think of what sub it was posted in. I guess it's relevant here. I'm just sickened from people being categorized.probably should have just kept it moving.
seanflyon t1_irtvvpm wrote
The war is Putin's responsibility, and it is also the responsibility of the Russian people.
Oraxy51 t1_irtywcr wrote
Even as categorized, it’s not by showing worth or some arbitrary value. They are human beings thus they have value. It just highlights what talents are being lost to the war. Athletes, engineers, teachers, salesman, business owners, bakers, everyone is dying. But on a sports thread they will highlight the athletes.
STR4NGE t1_irtza5x wrote
That reminds me do we know who killed Kennedy? I heard it was some Oswald guy that was indoctrinated to Soviet ideologies. I heard they didn’t like him over some Cuba thing and had him killed. What’s more interesting is the files around the Kennedy assassination keep on getting reclassified. Sorry wrong sub.
[deleted] t1_iru0kud wrote
ZiOnIsNeXtLeBrOn t1_iru1ezo wrote
Well when you live in a Communist country, where you can literally be killed for saying a single thing negative about Putin. Putin killed Billionaires who were his Allies. He can and will kill regular people. There are brave men, women and children who protested against him. And that is all they can do.
randomguy_- t1_iru1pjf wrote
Putin and Russia aren’t communist by any stretch
[deleted] t1_iru2wlg wrote
[deleted] t1_iru5lko wrote
ThatIndianBoi t1_iru7hs1 wrote
You Russian trolls and apologists are getting too comfortable on the internet. Don’t you know you’re going to be drafted soon?
Low-Classroom7736 t1_irucbbl wrote
A reel fish out of water
islandsluggers t1_iruccty wrote
He is not the only crazy one and Putin will be replaced my another lunatic. Tear the whole country and institution down. Raze the government and start from beginning.
amor_fatty t1_iruf33j wrote
Except he literally is
TARANTULA_TIDDIES t1_irufj7l wrote
FWIW I saw your edit man. Speaking via text in a second language can be hard to get your point across. Don't feel bad
Dreshna t1_irugj0t wrote
Thanks. Tried reading on the site and it seems like each sentence is followed by 3 ads...
[deleted] t1_iruj4y7 wrote
d_e_l_u_x_e t1_iruj7mp wrote
It’s ok I appreciate your clarification, I hope this war ends and Ukraine remains free.
gwaydms t1_irujvzb wrote
And the occupied regions are freed.
d_e_l_u_x_e t1_irujxnl wrote
doughnutholio t1_irurk36 wrote
what if the trolls aren't Russian?
they'll get drafted on DayZ
heyimjason t1_iruxkvr wrote
If he dies, he dies.
[deleted] t1_iruxs3n wrote
Dyhart t1_irv3sgi wrote
Authoritarian, not communist
Dyhart t1_irv458k wrote
You want them to protest, just to be arrested and shipped off to the warfront to die as kebab? You wouldn’t either so shut up
Budget-Yak-5271 t1_irv48pe wrote
u know that if u will decline draft u’ll still go to prison right?)
Budget-Yak-5271 t1_irv49b6 wrote
and after that they will still send u to army
Inthewirelain t1_irv5rsx wrote
There's some truth to it when you're talking raw numbers of people in crimea. However it's bs because the vote is AFTER putin had a ton of Russians steam roll in and tip the odds
Inthewirelain t1_irv5tv8 wrote
There's some truth to it when you're talking raw numbers of people in crimea. However it's bs because the vote is AFTER putin had a ton of Russians steam roll in and tip the odds
Zippemannen t1_irv6h9f wrote
At the city that we loved
[deleted] t1_irv9jt9 wrote
TheRealzdrAg t1_irvbiia wrote
Not now Zippemannen! Not now!
strudelpower t1_irvdgjr wrote
A death of 1 is tragedy. A death of millions is a statistic :(
optimistic_agnostic t1_irvfbjk wrote
The Russian people are the ones holding the rifles and firing the missiles. It's not just putin.
optimistic_agnostic t1_irvfh4f wrote
They're getting killed by the thousands in Ukraine. Why choose to die killing civilians in a foreign land than fighting for yourself and your family? The populace is complicit.
Zippemannen t1_irvi4nf wrote
The_Mikado_List t1_irvksqk wrote
Most Russians support this war (and many of them apparently want the entire concept of Ukraine wiped out), which is a major problem…
[deleted] t1_irvu8ly wrote
nutel t1_irvzj7k wrote
Are all germans responsible for 2nd world war ? Thats very questionable and a very hard topic ...
Propaganda is very strong and it works. Russians have been brainwashed for decades. And now it's paying off. But ultimately it is putin's regime fault.
mortonr2000 t1_irvznam wrote
My thoughts go out to his family and friends.
SeasonOverall t1_irw1hoo wrote
hHraper t1_irw1mou wrote
“Did nothing wrong”. Oh yes ? So we now pretend that the war started only this year and there were nothing going out between Ukrainian government and people of Donbas. Alright then
Zippemannen t1_irw4voi wrote
Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?
stonedmeatball t1_irw8o3p wrote
I assume that my original message (without edited clarification) looked like I also put blame on West/Ukraine for starting this war which is typical russian propaganda rhetoric. I completely understand people going mad about this)
beedlejooce t1_irw9p07 wrote
To be fair they don’t exactly have a choice. Civilians are forcibly dragged off the streets. Your entire family’s name is basically ostracized from societal ability to succeed in Russia if you refuse to serve. And then 10 years of hard labor in prison at the very least.
There’s a very small percentage of Russians serving that actually want to be there. You have people burning themselves alive, shooting themselves in non lethal spots, and purposely breaking their bones in hopes of getting medical exemption. This is basically all Putin and the other Kremlin blindly stroking their master’s ego.
beedlejooce t1_irwahx8 wrote
Zero chance. He’s too far in it now. Narcissistic oligarchs don’t just go quietly. He’ll go down in a giant flash of glory before he gives up this war. This has only just begun for the rest of the world.
[deleted] t1_irwaoux wrote
chillinwithmypizza t1_irwg8md wrote
Regardless Putin is the reason they are there.
KindArgument0 OP t1_irwkt53 wrote
I don't know. But they should have done that.
KindArgument0 OP t1_irwl0i9 wrote
I never understand how you could arrive to such conclusion when ukraine it self never deny that they suffer heavy casualties.
ExcellentLocation2 t1_irwlyee wrote
haribobosses t1_irwrrl0 wrote
Wait. Does this mean Ukrainian soldiers are dying?
Ah, to live in a media bubble during an information war!
KindArgument0 OP t1_irx362q wrote
Imagine complaining about media bubble when you don't even know that ukraine never shy to say that they suffer heavy casualties. The irony is to high on his one.
haribobosses t1_irx46w7 wrote
What’s the number?
Russia: 63,000
optimistic_agnostic t1_irxhhd4 wrote
Or they could turn their weapons on these 'oppressors' and chose to fight for their country, family and livelihood rather than die in a foreign land killing civilians and waging a war of annexation and the expansion of the Russian federation. Yet they chose the later. It's not just putin, it's the populace that is complicit, don't kid yourself or expect us to be that naive.
beedlejooce t1_irxjsn4 wrote
Well of course them standing up to the oligarchs would be the ideal solution. Ain’t that easy. It’ll take at least the next two generations of younger people to switch the ideology of supporting free elections in Russia. Once the older people in general, but especially the ones in power die off there’s a chance at least of revolution. Most of these Russian soldiers do not want to be there. Of course there’s always zealous extremists but most are done with it.
Russian people have been fed this propaganda narrative their whole life just to be lied to as a pawn. But in reality the US did the same thing to our troops in the Middle East, sending soldiers to die for a mission they knew would fail long term. It was never gonna work. All the war crimes too so.
The_Mikado_List t1_irxykvv wrote
I suppose you can “blame” the West for not giving Ukraine more military support in the past 8 years.
lipp79 t1_is11wbr wrote
Yeah they kept trying to sell me office chairs.
KindArgument0 OP t1_irrgqb5 wrote
>Dmitry Zakharchuk, the winner of the continental championship, medalist of the World Swimming Championship, is gone
>Dmitry Zakharchuk, the winner of the continental championship, medalist of the world championship in finswimming and master of sports of international class, has died. He died in battle near Kherson. About this on Saturday, October 8, informed Sports Committee of Ukraine.
>Zakharchuk was a graduate of the Youth Sports School “Aqualider” and the winner of many international tournaments. After the start of the large-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, he took up arms
>The Sports Committee of Ukraine clarified that more than 130 Ukrainian athletes died at the front during the war against the invaders