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RavingMalwaay t1_it42hd4 wrote

ITs still pretty popular in Scotland and Ireland, just not close to their other major sports. Don't forget South Africa and the West Indies as well. By comparison, something like American football is very very niche, but you don't see people littering the comments of any post about it with non-americans asking how it works...


YOBlob t1_it528td wrote

American football is honestly much less niche than cricket globally. Pick a random person in the world and I reckon there's a better chance they can tell you what a touchdown is than a wicket.


Huge-Physics5491 t1_it5x7y1 wrote

Given a quarter of the world lives in South Asia, you're just super wrong


SerBronn7 t1_it6i0bh wrote

American football is only played in one country.


YOBlob t1_it6r44v wrote

In cultural terms, I mean. Like if you said "the quarterback threw a touchdown pass" to a random person in the world, there's a good chance they'll know what you mean. If you said "the batsman was bowled LBW" odds are they'll think you're having a stroke.


Galaxyy_G t1_itavrwy wrote

So you took a generic term and compare it to a more specific term lol, maybe compare it to 'the batter got bowled out with only 5 runs' and I think most people would understand it.


OldIndianMonk t1_itq95tz wrote

I saw yesterday one dude claiming how NFL is much bigger than the soccer World Cup because his friends and neighbors don’t watch it!

Superbowl(the final game) brings in 100m views. Cricket and Soccer matches bring in views in the billions.

Americans are funny, man!


YOBlob t1_itc1lrx wrote

I don't think most people in the world would, no. Hence the confusion any time there's a cricket post on r/sports.


MitchyJohno t1_ite4hh6 wrote

You realise r/sports is not a good representation of the world right?

Of course an American dominated site is going to understand American football more than cricket.


YOBlob t1_itffuuo wrote

Most of the world doesn't understand cricket.


MitchyJohno t1_itfyhsp wrote

Most of the world doesn't understand nfl. What's your point?


YOBlob t1_itjkmeb wrote

My point is that most of the world doesn't understand cricket, so people should stop getting buttmad every time there are confused comments on cricket posts on r/sports. I don't know why that's apparently such a controversial position.


MitchyJohno t1_itkjlp8 wrote

If that's your point you should have communicated it better as saying nfl is less niche than cricket is wrong or at least debatable.


YOBlob t1_itkmhzj wrote

Not my problem if you can't read.


DeadassYeeted t1_iu6lxox wrote

You literally said NFL is less niche than cricket though


anish1996 t1_itbeoy2 wrote

In some parts of the world maybe but then you are restricting the definition of the 'world' to just certain parts and disregarding others. I can tell you with certainty not more than 0.01% of the 1.6 billion people in South Asia know what a touchown or quarterback is. And most of them do know what an LBW is.