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thisisredlitre t1_itjokfx wrote

After he showed up in a Vegas jersey during the Stanley Cup the city couldn't have been happier to win without him(sports grudge not real grudge)

And before anyone says "but he's from Vegas!" He'd lived in DC longer than the Knights* had existed at that point.


TheCrucial77 t1_itkwq9i wrote

Hahahha this still makes me mad thinking about it. Last night made me happy for him and was damn impressive. The pressure and tension in that inning and the crowd erupting was cool to see. I say this as having wished nothing but despair on all things Philly for all of my decades of fandom.


Upward_sloping_penis t1_itlbwqu wrote

You’re salty as fuck. Trash DC fans.


thisisredlitre t1_itlcauf wrote

It's a jokey sports grudge not a real one. Happy as a clam for his recent triumph. You're misreading the comment, friend.