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redandblue4lyfe t1_itw7agl wrote

Actually, the average ipl player makes more than a million more than the average mlb player.


Nutaholic t1_itwdg60 wrote

I am very confused where this data comes from. The most well paid IPL players I can find are making about 2 mil USD annually.


Impressive-Squash-24 t1_itybly2 wrote

Because that isn’t annual pay. IPL players are getting paid that for just 2 months of their time per year. Cricketers in general are contracted to multiple leagues over the period of an year, aside from their own international contracts.


Johnnnnb t1_itw8ud2 wrote

That’s because there are ten teams. Look at the list, MLB is 2nd to the nfl.


ausmankpopfan t1_itwaec4 wrote

Show me where it says on per game revenue it's second to NFL please