mynewnameonhere t1_iuvhhs4 wrote
So I guess they’ve gone and changed the definition of a no-hitter since nobody pitches compete games anymore. Don Larsen did it himself. That’s not even comparable to 4 different pitchers doing it. You threw 1 hitless inning and you get credit for a no-hitter? Woopty fucking doo.
ZekeDarwin t1_iuvi96m wrote
No, this is how baseball has always been.
No one changed the rules -for people that watch baseball team no hitters have always been celebrated.
[deleted] t1_iuvnzc7 wrote
What makes Larsen’s feat more impressive that it was also a perfect game (27 up, 27 out for you non-baseball peeps).
Edit: Whoa, he did it on 97 pitches and had only one count go to 3 balls the entire game.
[deleted] t1_iuvy6cu wrote
jah05r t1_iuvy6ii wrote
The definition of a no-hitter is a team getting no hits over a complete game, minimum 9 innings. It does not matter how many pitchers are used in the game.
hbk2369 t1_iuvy7wj wrote
It’s a combined no-hitter. The headline is a little specious but that’s the point of “Javier, Astros” in the title here as opposed to just the player’s name.
From the article “Javier and Houston’s bullpen combined on just the second no-hitter in World Series history, “
gravelnavel77 t1_iuwaovd wrote
The Astros bowled perfectly and the Phillies never sniffed the wicket during the 4th day of the championship matchup. Not one batsman crossed the scoring line.
aceknight21 t1_iuwb0tf wrote
This is hilarious 😂!
Glass_Fix7426 t1_iuwx9uc wrote
Sniffing the Wicket is now my go to euphemism
ShooterMcDragon t1_iux26oc wrote
Hoes stay mad.
HessLook t1_iux2b87 wrote
You hear that? Banging on trash cans..? Losers
LesWhite t1_iuxcuf2 wrote
This is the type of comment I would expect from someone who says the judge in Nicholas Cruz's school shooting trial is "hotttt"
[deleted] t1_iuxv2ay wrote
2022-Account t1_iuxvqti wrote
Imagine taking a cheating team’s side
LesWhite t1_iuxyiw3 wrote
Cry more 😎
Jabromosdef t1_iuxzpip wrote
They’ve been doing a lot of winning tho. You can always become a fan. It’s fun
2022-Account t1_iuy1ft9 wrote
Cheat more. It’s the only way you can “win”
HessLook t1_iuy1ttt wrote
Was she not? Thanks for following though
HessLook t1_iuy1wp0 wrote
Never. If I want to watch cheating I will follow politics.
LesWhite t1_iuy6t79 wrote
But my team is in the WS so your point isn't all that accurate is it? Keep crying 😂
Jabromosdef t1_iuy8cor wrote
I’m just saying. Turn this obsession into something positive instead of the child like tantrum about a baseball team. Especially since you’re a whole life insurance salesman. How many lives have you ruined by being a scummy person?
two_fingers_in t1_iuy8huh wrote
How many cars did y’all flip and/or set on fire?
slapshots1515 t1_iuyhs3k wrote
A no-hitter has literally always been simply defined as a game in which the opposing team gets no hits. A game like this has always been called a combined no hitter, and is neither new or unique.
DesensitizedRobot t1_iuym8oa wrote
When did the first time it happen happen?
mynewnameonhere t1_iuyrm0d wrote
A combined no hitter and a no hitter aren’t the same. There is obviously an enormous difference. So why does the headline call it a no hitter when it’s not?
drmcsinister t1_iuytf27 wrote
Don Larson had a perfect game (technically a no hitter) in the 1950s for the Yankees.
DesensitizedRobot t1_iuytwb1 wrote
Thank you for the response! I appreciate the knowledge!
HessLook t1_iuz3zsy wrote
Bro your still going. Are you bored? They cheated I’m entitled to my opinion that they cheated. They admitted to cheating. Get a life bro.
HessLook t1_iuz43y1 wrote
Zero. Got a source for you bs? Didn’t think so. Just making up shit. Is this Faux News?
slapshots1515 t1_iuz51q5 wrote
> In baseball, a '''no-hitter''' is a game in which a team was not able to record a hit. Major League Baseball (MLB) officially defines a no-hitter as a completed game in which a team that batted in at least nine innings recorded no hits. A pitcher who prevents the opposing team from achieving a hit is said to have "thrown a no-hitter". In most cases, no-hitters are recorded by a single pitcher who throws a complete game; one thrown by two or more pitchers is a combined no-hitter.
K, but, you wrong tho
mynewnameonhere t1_iuz6ym3 wrote
Right. A no hitter and a combined no hitter are different things. Are they not? This is a combined no hitter. Not a no hitter.
slapshots1515 t1_iuz921c wrote
No they aren’t, if you can read the definition.
mynewnameonhere t1_iuzc04y wrote
Lol it makes a very clear distinction between the two and describes a no hitter thrown by one pitcher. Then it goes on to describe what a combined no hitter is. They are two different things you fucking moron.
slapshots1515 t1_iv09iii wrote
>Major League Baseball (MLB) officially defines a no-hitter as a completed game in which a team that batted in at least nine innings recorded no hits.
There’s nothing wrong with simply being uninformed, but doubling down on ignorance when the information is presented to you is the height of stupidity.
two_fingers_in t1_iv0iqg4 wrote
Nah man I’m just making fun of you.
mynewnameonhere t1_iv29pie wrote
Read the next sentence you fucking door knob.
PlayfulParamedic2626 t1_iuv05wi wrote
Hard to cheat that.
Go stros