ITeachYourKidz t1_iv7z3sy wrote
USMNT better get ready for Bale next. Here’s hoping
FromTheAshesofDelete t1_iv7zofu wrote
That was the best MLS Cup Final I have ever seen. As a neutral, that was top tier entertainment.
El_refrito_bandito t1_iv82352 wrote
Yeah. That was something!!
societyofspectacle t1_iv8cseh wrote
Only game I watched all year. Edge of your seat great. Absolute gem. MLS has come a long way.
msginbtween t1_iv8fby7 wrote
Don’t be so salty.
CallMeMattF t1_iv8hw5k wrote
I don’t see any other cities competing in two major championships in one day.
pedal-force t1_iv8lhrh wrote
Lol, you're literally rooting for cheaters.
robfrod t1_iv8r3yn wrote
I turned in my tv in the 80th minute and decided to watch the last 10.. turned into over an hour of great entertainment.
robfrod t1_iv8r89y wrote
Poor fucker was going to be flying to the World Cup for Canada next week.
Kinky_Imagination t1_iv8sy1f wrote
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
German_Irish_chicken t1_iv9n46u wrote
Well they aren't cheating now. and idc, my team beat them already and fck philly sports teams.
UltimateBronzeNoob t1_iva49u1 wrote
From the article I get that the sub goalie was amazing, but was let down by his team, am I reading that correctly?
stablestabler t1_ivad7cx wrote
I don't think you are.
DarkVileplume t1_ivaei65 wrote
Guy who never watched MLS enters the chat
aymnka t1_ivak8cd wrote
Bale was utter dog shit all year for LAFC.
t_thor t1_ival9j2 wrote
Idk it looked to me like he put himself and an opponent in danger because he lost the opportunity to stop the ball. No sympathy here.
arsenal11385 t1_ivap4cd wrote
Almost any penalty kick can be saved if a GK moves early and guesses correctly. He did it twice and the other slipped. Penalties in the final are a lot of luck. Look at saka at the euros. He got to take his next one last season and he nearly hit the same exact spot. One gk guessed right, the other wrong.
robfrod t1_ivapi3f wrote
He was put in a tough position and basically kamikazied himself to save the championship for his team. Yes he deserved a red card but now he is also missing his only chance to be in a World Cup. Have a heart tough guy.
t_thor t1_ivar12k wrote
All I'm saying is that it's good the other player isn't the one that got injured. Your analogy would be apt if kamikaze fighters didn't literally kill people.
[deleted] t1_ivazc0y wrote
UgeMan t1_ivb0c12 wrote
Sub goalie was for the other team, career backup but excels in PK moments
NunsNunchuck t1_ivb66sy wrote
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a sporting event that straight refused to show the replay.
Foomaster512 t1_ivbbotc wrote
Oh shitttt, this is why it should be done in the summer and not move it just to accommodate those desert dictators
habfans7 t1_ivbcqer wrote
It’s his job… if this was a Sunday league game I agree. But ffs he gets paid to win. Do whatever it takes. This is a very normal thing to do as a keeper. Take the guy out
UltimateBronzeNoob t1_ivbgcyn wrote
Ah, thanks. I had a hard time telling from the article because I had trouble with the writing-style. No flame, just a me-problem I think
UltimateBronzeNoob t1_ivbgsvn wrote
That's why I was wondering. The writing-style doesn't work very well for me, so I had trouble comprehending it. Luckily a kind redditor helped me out. Thanks for telling me though, much appreciated!
[deleted] t1_ivbq36q wrote
MuddydogCO t1_ivbqrpi wrote
While the MLS will never be the EPL the level of play and overall competition is getting pretty good. It's exciting that they continue to make strides.
BowwwwBallll t1_ivc5xyw wrote
Tell me you peaked in peewee soccer without telling me you peaked in peewee soccer.
Both-Ad-2570 t1_iveisax wrote
>The goalie getting a red card
FigaroNeptune t1_ivgq40m wrote
I didn’t even know bale was in mls. I haven’t watched a full mls game in years lol shows how much of a soccer “fan” I am
dafish48 t1_ivi4r33 wrote
Glad I paid for Grammarly premium
JFMV763 OP t1_iv7y1ln wrote
As a Union fan the penalties hurt to watch but hopefully we will be back next year.