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JFMV763 OP t1_iv7y1ln wrote

As a Union fan the penalties hurt to watch but hopefully we will be back next year.


ITeachYourKidz t1_iv7z3sy wrote

USMNT better get ready for Bale next. Here’s hoping


FromTheAshesofDelete t1_iv7zofu wrote

That was the best MLS Cup Final I have ever seen. As a neutral, that was top tier entertainment.


dafish48 t1_iv839um wrote

The goalie getting the red card and breaking his leg saved the game.

Almost all goals scored on headers / set plays an amazing game.


societyofspectacle t1_iv8cseh wrote

Only game I watched all year. Edge of your seat great. Absolute gem. MLS has come a long way.


ukexpat t1_iv8ivhu wrote

Great match, but the Union threw it away with some inexcusably bad penalty kicks.


vialtwirl t1_iv975zs wrote

It is these games that can grow a sport.


mccrrll t1_ivae4kv wrote

Congrats to LAFC. Ups to Bale. Both a quality team and player.

But really, it’s painful to always see: MLS, where 30+ Premier league players cash in on the overall low quality of the sport here.


t_thor t1_ival9j2 wrote

Idk it looked to me like he put himself and an opponent in danger because he lost the opportunity to stop the ball. No sympathy here.


arsenal11385 t1_ivap4cd wrote

Almost any penalty kick can be saved if a GK moves early and guesses correctly. He did it twice and the other slipped. Penalties in the final are a lot of luck. Look at saka at the euros. He got to take his next one last season and he nearly hit the same exact spot. One gk guessed right, the other wrong.


robfrod t1_ivapi3f wrote

He was put in a tough position and basically kamikazied himself to save the championship for his team. Yes he deserved a red card but now he is also missing his only chance to be in a World Cup. Have a heart tough guy.


t_thor t1_ivar12k wrote

All I'm saying is that it's good the other player isn't the one that got injured. Your analogy would be apt if kamikaze fighters didn't literally kill people.


habfans7 t1_ivbcqer wrote

It’s his job… if this was a Sunday league game I agree. But ffs he gets paid to win. Do whatever it takes. This is a very normal thing to do as a keeper. Take the guy out