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Ferris_Wheel_Skippy t1_ivkmzu5 wrote

it is pretty crazy the total lack of self-awareness by the U.S. media over the invasion of Ukraine when the U.S. military pretty much invaded a sovereign state in TWO of the most notable examples since 9/11

i mean ffs, SNL had the Ukrainian Choir open one of their shows. That's great and all but boy was that fucking weird


Bendy_McBendyThumb t1_ivkocld wrote

I think like a good few crazy things in the US that they’re desensitised to, war and conflict are just another thing on that list. Consider the fact the US has almost perpetually been at war somewhere, with next to fuck all actual peacetime, it’s little surprise.

This isn’t to say other countries aren’t desensitised to certain things themselves. I’m from the UK, charity adverts are meaningless at this point if you ask me (not quite the same as war like, but it’s just a simple example). Water aid has been going on since like the 70’s, for example.


Ansanm t1_ivlcusz wrote

And they’ve been screwing with Haiti’s government for decades. I won’t mention the economic blockades on other countries in the hemisphere. Then there’s Africom’s expansion into Africa (Thanks Obomber) and the resulting coups that were carried out by US trained African soldiers. But, most Americans view themselves as the best of humanity.