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Cyberhwk t1_ix1gvfv wrote

Can't wait for the, "But seriously, why..." Tweet.


ShihPoosRule t1_ix1kjdi wrote

In Kyrie’s defense, he’s an idiot.


borkborkbork99 t1_ix1lkrf wrote

“My PR firm and my agent advised me that I should say…”


battousai611 t1_ix1llsq wrote

I don’t think he knows what ’condone’ means.


theantdog t1_ix1mkv6 wrote

Based on your pattern of using hate speech, I don't believe you.


Kind_Bullfrog_4073 t1_ix20ugb wrote

If he wants to play again he should do what Morgan Freeman did to get out of jail in Shawshank Redemption.


highschoolnickname t1_ix216sq wrote

“…and I don’t want to be in a position where I’m being misunderstood on where I stand in terms of antisemitism or any hate for that matter,”

See how it’s still not his fault he sounded hateful?


schadkehnfreude t1_ix22x9o wrote

From what I've seen of him I would say that he's more performatively contrarian and plain fucking ignorant than genuinely hateful, or at least started out that way. That's categorically NOT an excuse for his actions and ignorance is often the gateway drug to genuinely taking to heart shitty worldviews.

But I think it's more that - at least initially - Kyrie fancied himself as being deeper than he really is - like the kind of person who knows there's more to life than being a pro ball player but completely lacks the critical thinking ability to accurately figure out what that should be.


Chance_Adhesiveness3 t1_ix2b469 wrote

I think that summarizes it. I’m Jewish, and Kyrie pretty clearly isn’t thinking deeply about what his actions mean. This is a guy who didn’t get vaccinated and declared the Earth to be flat. He’s not the brightest crayon in the box.


MV_Knight t1_ix2fi7y wrote

Unless I’m missing something he didn’t say anything hateful. Just tweeted a movie that had some anti Semitic views right?


felixlightner t1_ix2gidp wrote

It's all fun and games until it affects your bank balance.


cbblaze t1_ix2l24g wrote

I loved the chappelle line for snl.

"Kanye got in so much trouble, that kyrie also got in trouble"


JB_JB_JB63 t1_ix2mxja wrote

‘After much thought I’ve realised I want to start getting paid again so here’s some stuff I have to say…’

Fuck off sunshine.


wouldntknowever t1_ix2nsye wrote

Leave it to Redditors to spin this into something negative


bizzum t1_ix2pgyr wrote

Blackballed? As a fervent supporter of Kanter’s last team, he couldn’t stay on the floor because he’s looked increasingly washed over the past season and a half. You can’t play him in end-of-game situations because his interior defense is so bad. Pile all that onto his off court pursuits to become a right-wing TV talking head and penchant for trying to spark Twitter wars with star players (while completely ignoring them on the floor days later). He’s been waived by two teams in under 3.5 years.

Miles Bridges is presently out of the league because of his off court behavior and drawing negative attention to the NBA. Allen Iverson refused to accept a bench role and couldn’t find a team as a result. Stephon Marbury caused so many issues for the Knicks in 08-09 that they’d rather waive him, pay him to stay away from the team and paved the way for him to sign with an in-division rival (and reigning champion). Sometimes personality (and routinely piss-poor behavior) supersedes talent. Kanter is one such case.


OKidAComputer t1_ix2sp4x wrote

Freedom pissed off the NBA by criticising China.

The NBA don’t give a fuck about ‘social justice’, because the moment you criticise a cause they are tied to you are blacklisted.


[deleted] t1_ix31r9d wrote

I think Chapelle summarized the situation nicely.


mynewnameonhere t1_ix32up3 wrote

Yeah I don’t get it. Roseanne is an idiot and no one was defending her. Along with the long list of other idiots who have been shunned off the face of the earth for the stupid shit they’ve said.


LoserAntics t1_ix8bp1w wrote

So you can “identify as a jew now”?