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throwaway481677 t1_ix8l7lb wrote

The iranians are risking their safety and even lives once they go back to Iran, European teams were scared of their captain getting a yellow card even if it wasn't certain, literally cowards and PR is much more important to them


goliathfasa t1_ix91jmy wrote

They should just never wear those armbands ever again, or any other clothing accessories that purported to stand up for one social cause or another.

Doing so in the safety of countries where advocacy of said causes are already largely accepted while shying away from doing so in places that actual need it means that the whole thing was worthless to begin with.


__ferg__ t1_ix8lv35 wrote

Yeah it's insane if you think about it...


JohnHwagi t1_ix8wkyj wrote

What is the impact of the captain getting a yellow card? I was under the impression it would only matter if the captain got another yellow card during the game.


Nooms88 t1_ix92w5v wrote

If a player gets 2 yellow cards in 2 seperate matches they are suspended from the next game. So if they worse the band in both opening games they'd be suspended from the 3rd


MaimedJester t1_ix9ass5 wrote

I remember when America made it out of group of Death and I was like well boys it was a good showing we made it group of 16 and we're gonna get our asses handed to us by...

Did Suarez just bite a player and will be banned from the next game? OMG United States male team might reach the Semi finals!