Submitted by isanyonethere10 t3_z1zo3y in sports
istiaq_ahsan t1_ixdsf79 wrote
Well, Ronaldo agreed long time ago, it's just United who agreed now.
ANTristotle t1_ixdvpdi wrote
Ronaldo going to the NY Red Bulls!
Say hello to MLS!
ImAbhishek_47 t1_ixe46w4 wrote
The funniest part here is United wants to spin this as a success by unofficially leaking that they terminated the contract without paying a penny and poor United fans are buying into it. When in reality Ronaldo seems to have said 'Let me out of this club at all cost!'. Dude knew what he did with that interview.
Spez_snorts_sperm t1_ixescoz wrote
If you held a gun to my head yesterday and asked what team this guy played for, I would have died.
behind_looking_glass t1_ixexrsf wrote
Jenz1nr1 t1_ixey5l8 wrote
Isco and Ronaldo to City back on!
imanAholebutimfunny t1_ixf4c7q wrote
What an unfortunate falling out. Would have been so sick if he could have brought the energy like he did when he was young and just popped off. Another team will pick him up but how long will that take is the real question.
[deleted] t1_ixfbcsg wrote
cuddle_enthusiast t1_ixfe8wi wrote
Out of the loop. Why did they have a falling out?
firecow745 t1_ixfenjb wrote
In some way the Fire will be connected to him and get a draft pick out of it.
nonamerequiredbro t1_ixfhs5n wrote
But do they have Ronaldo money. Dude isn’t cheap. Salary-wise
Yung_Corneliois t1_ixfli8j wrote
Ronaldo is older now and not top tier so they tried to play him as a sub instead of a starter and he refused. Apparently when they called for him to sub in he just left the game instead. Basically he isn’t as good as he used to be but due to his name alone he feels like he should be the main focus of a team.
MikeGolfsPoorly t1_ixfly7x wrote
I hope he goes to AFC Richmond.
[deleted] t1_ixfmwjn wrote
actually he got offers from other teams to start and asked to be let go but they refused and wanted him to sit on the bench for no reason
AndyJaeger t1_ixfnyjo wrote
Imagine a move to City, damn
Projeffboy t1_ixfqi37 wrote
He’ll get benched by jamie tartt doo doo doo doo and football is life!
wism95 t1_ixfs8tu wrote
United fans have wanted him gone all season
wism95 t1_ixfsarq wrote
No he didn't
[deleted] t1_ixfthup wrote
Ill definitely trust a random redditor rather than a former Man Utd Captain Roy Keane who said Ronaldo had 5 offers.
wism95 t1_ixfu9xq wrote
Not to start and to pay what he demanded. So it wasn't United stopping him leaving, he didn't want to
[deleted] t1_ixfuwb8 wrote
dub_side t1_ixfwmgf wrote
they offered to sub him in for 3 minutes
SureWhyNot16 t1_ixfy1hp wrote
I know that’s half joking but he would be treated like a god in NYC
filthydeference t1_ixg2t91 wrote
FFS .. move on already from this drama house and drama queen
lemmonquaaludes t1_ixg3z8e wrote
Get Deadpool and Rob McElheny on the phone.
“We’ve got Ronaldo, super Cristiano Ronaldo, I just don’t think you understand. He plays in red and white, he’s fucking dynamite, we’ve got super Cristiano Ronaldo!”
CCSC96 t1_ixg3zm1 wrote
He got the offers because of what the other person said. It was clear as soon as he did that that he was done and would have to chose between rotting in United’s reserve or taking a paycut to play elsewhere.
DawdlingScientist t1_ixg49r2 wrote
He wanted out in the summer after they failed to qualify for the champions league and they wouldn’t let him go. He was “central to their plans” and then they benched him lol
Age may have finally caught up with him now though but he was really good last season. Saved United many times
SimpleSimon665 t1_ixg4crf wrote
He wouldn't even make the bench at City.
Amokzaaier t1_ixg6gk5 wrote
Good riddance
Amokzaaier t1_ixg6j7b wrote
Yeah that would be a double win for manu, damn
Amokzaaier t1_ixg6lbo wrote
Bye asshole
[deleted] t1_ixg9cdt wrote
[deleted] t1_ixgbd40 wrote
Drumsticksboy t1_ixgcau8 wrote
Dude needs to come to the MLS.
DMagnus11 t1_ixgdejt wrote
Would sell a lot of jerseys FAST
RabidJoint t1_ixge3lg wrote
David Beckham hitting the LA Galaxies all those years ago…same vibes
[deleted] t1_ixge6jd wrote
Display250 t1_ixgfged wrote
They terminated his contract. He's a whiny bitch and should be treated as such. Any team taking him should think twice.
WringedSponge t1_ixgh40i wrote
He can’t go to US for legal reasons
BeKindBabies t1_ixghn3i wrote
Scored 22 goals for them last season but sure, not top tier.
BeKindBabies t1_ixgi3w2 wrote
Scored more goals last season at Man U than any City player that year.
BeKindBabies t1_ixgia8q wrote
He was the number 3 top scorer in the league last season, what are you even talking about.
phantasybm t1_ixgicjg wrote
What reasons are those ?
dingdongleberry t1_ixgj0bz wrote
I hope he goes to Wrexham
Car-face t1_ixgj4v4 wrote
according to this he scored 18 for them during last season (in the regular season, I assume, hence the discrepancy).
The last time he scored fewer than that in a regular season was '06/'07.
He's the same age as me, and I can tell you, regardless of fitness, your body simply takes longer to recover in your late 30's. He's still good, but he's not getting better with each passing season any more, and he's better off as a role model for the younger players than trying to be the main event.
Attygalle t1_ixgjd7k wrote
It’s of course a bit more nuanced than what the comment you reacted on said - but it’s also more nuanced than what you say. CR7 missed a lot of pre season because of family issues - understandable but not convenient when you have a new manager that wants to implement a new playing style. This wouldn’t have been any issue with Ronaldo from say 2010 to 2018 but current Ronaldo isn’t able to catch up as easily anymore. From that perspective he’s not absolute top tier anymore.
I would really be curious to see an alternate universe where CR7 showed up for first training under Ten Hag fully fit and mentally charged to go.
BeKindBabies t1_ixgjpkl wrote
Top 3 scorer in the league last season, so are there only two top tier strikers a season or what?
BeKindBabies t1_ixgk148 wrote
He scored 18 for them in the premier league and 6 for them in the champions league. So I was short by 2. He scored 24 goals for them that run. Regardless, 18 goals last season makes him the number 3 scorer that year. In what world is that not good enough.
Attygalle t1_ixgk3vz wrote
You are completely correct - if you don’t read my comment at all CR7 is indeed still top tier and nuance is bullshit.
osmil918 t1_ixgkf4o wrote
Because what he gives you in goals, he cannot provide in pressing and intensity. Ten Hag wants a balanced team.
Car-face t1_ixgkvff wrote
A world where teams need to blood new talent and give younger players minutes on the pitch, rather than entertain the whims of older players at the end of their career.
Unless he's gotten younger since last season, it's unlikely he'll be as valuable as he was then.
evonebo t1_ixgkwkn wrote
I feel like he’s going to come to US and play in the MLS.
NAGDABBITALL t1_ixgkzo1 wrote
"Take your hundreds of millions, and get out."
Car-face t1_ixgl3za wrote
Yeah I agree. Someone will throw money at him to get his name on a guernsey, and eke out the last of what he's got to give whilst making bank on merch.
TheGardenNymph t1_ixgli51 wrote
He's also a serial rapist
BeKindBabies t1_ixgls04 wrote
He can’t make himself younger, but he can score goals, more than most.
BeKindBabies t1_ixgm20x wrote
His waning years are putting the golden years of similar professional athletes to shame.
SomeonePayDelta t1_ixgmhts wrote
Legal /s
BeKindBabies t1_ixgmt2x wrote
Conveniently, nuance is immeasurable and goals are a terrible way to rate the quality of a person in the goal scoring position.
Car-face t1_ixgmu06 wrote
he could, last season, and that was far off his best. That's a massive fall from previous seasons, and it's hard to blame a club for not having faith he could back up that performance when he's a year older.
Simple-Teach4876 t1_ixgnj2a wrote
He is going to MLS Los Angeles Galaxy
BeKindBabies t1_ixgnxg3 wrote
If he scored 3 fewer goals that year he would have matched de bruyne, 8 fewer and he would have matched Bruno Fernandes. Who cares if your output is less than your previous when it’s still better than the rest?
Car-face t1_ixgodv0 wrote
The club paying his salary while watching his performance fall off a cliff, apparently. Presumably also the fans who can read the writing on the wall and know "last season's stats" are now the benchmark, rather than an off year, and he'd be lucky to back it up.
Mephzice t1_ixgoh1d wrote
he does nothing else, others have been performing better because they also do defense
[deleted] t1_ixgp2fy wrote
BeKindBabies t1_ixgp6xm wrote
Any striker in the league would be happy to match what he did.
[deleted] t1_ixgpc9s wrote
[deleted] t1_ixgpcyj wrote
Caracasdogajo t1_ixgpdxm wrote
The problem is that he cant create for himself, he can't create for anyone else and he barely plays outside of one touches.
He can still hit a ball in the net decently but he is a liability outside of it.
[deleted] t1_ixgpv91 wrote
Treeborg t1_ixgrlde wrote
You're saying like that like it justifies Ronaldo. It doesn't.
eviade t1_ixgsush wrote
Nah that's just one of those things people say without really watching. His buildup isn't world class but he's a clever and experienced player and he's very effective outside of 'it'
[deleted] t1_ixgsz3a wrote
[deleted] t1_ixgt61x wrote
fatkidseatcake t1_ixgtnou wrote
Don’t go back to your ex
fatkidseatcake t1_ixgtogk wrote
Wrexham FC
fatkidseatcake t1_ixgtuxh wrote
I feel like the MLS would be better than most places for him. Maybe the bundesliga
GRI23 t1_ixgtz39 wrote
What about this season?
mountainmanstan92 t1_ixgu40i wrote
That poor cow.
FUThead2016 t1_ixgvs25 wrote
Captain of Snake 7
malin7 t1_ixgvulw wrote
It is good enough but his from fell off a cliff between the last and current season when he missed the pre-season and still hasn't recovered
16 games this season and 3 goals, he looked out of sorts even against semi amateurs from Cyprus in the Europa League
pileodung t1_ixgy4km wrote
I mean he could retire
krysalysm t1_ixh04w9 wrote
kingharden13 t1_ixh1ymj wrote
How?? Thats disrespect lol why should he take it, he is one of the 🐐s
EMU4 t1_ixh2ugj wrote
Because football is a game played as a team?
kingharden13 t1_ixh325z wrote
But he is not some regular player lol its cristiano.. sub somebody else in for 3 minutes
[deleted] t1_ixh33f4 wrote
[deleted] t1_ixh5imh wrote
sparcasm t1_ixh7f40 wrote
Even for ex sex?
[deleted] t1_ixh87oi wrote
ashrocklynn t1_ixh8mkj wrote
So is old man Aaron Rodgers, but when you can't play the game at the high level anymore you are supposed to retire with millions in the bank with dignity instead of demanding you are the sport and just standing in the way of the next talented young person who desperately wants a chance. At least Brady and ronaldo still have their ridiculous handsomeness...
Sancho209 t1_ixha7le wrote
Hard to play at a high level with a broken thumb
estellato12 t1_ixhakqg wrote
Apparently they have dropped that case or something where they can’t persecute him anymore.
No-Spinach-3162 t1_ixhb3vk wrote
All the Ronaldo haters before this news broke.. ( Ronaldo is a loser) now ( join my team!!!!)
EasternMotors t1_ixhe9q2 wrote
He was making €500k/wk. Can he even get €100k on the open market? Weird that he would flush €15mm or whatever down the toilet.
h4baine t1_ixheklq wrote
I'm sure that comes from the same entitled, domineering place as his behavior with Manchester United. In his mind he's the only one that matters.
[deleted] t1_ixhfuu3 wrote
simontwist677 t1_ixhmdc5 wrote
Wouldn’t make the bench at AFC Richmond …
aarskaak t1_ixhmmdx wrote
No Thanks
bajcli t1_ixhox8l wrote
How is not playing at all no problem, whereas if your manager thinks you can sub in and make an impact in 3 minutes (+injury time), that's disrespectful?
GOAT or not, dude's aging out and even if he wasn't, he's not pressing at all, so he's not a positive for the team.
saint-simon97 t1_ixhpbsf wrote
American moment
LordYamz t1_ixhpcqy wrote
But it does. The guy is still better than any striker they have.
intelligentx5 t1_ixhq2n0 wrote
He makes more money through endorsements and influencing. I’m assuming he thinks he’s fine and money was not the primary factor here.
3stepBreader t1_ixhstkc wrote
How do you figure they wouldn’t let him go? He wanted to leave and keep his massive salary. No club wanted him at that price. The rumor is United even settled a small amount with him now to leave. If he would have reduced his wage demands he would have been sold or released.
kingharden13 t1_ixht0vd wrote
Yall some haters fr.. you dont treat star players the same as others. Literally in any sport you cant distespect the greats like that. You just dont do that. What the fuck should Ronaldo do in these 3 minutes?? Game is over he just sat 90 minutes on the bench and you want him to go play? As you said he is old and you want him to go play when all muscles are cold from sitting the whole game. That is just dumb!
[deleted] t1_ixhujn9 wrote
[deleted] t1_ixhxgy1 wrote
Stressedafhere t1_ixhy63q wrote
I thought the “Red Bulls” was a joke. TIL They’re really named after the drink.
[deleted] t1_ixi3au2 wrote
oh yeah thats why he decided to leave the team when he could just sit on the bench get paid tons of money and say hes injured or something
CIRCLONTA6A t1_ixif81i wrote
He ain’t gonna fuck you bro. It’s called a football TEAM for a reason. It’s a team. They’re not going to give special treatment to a single player because of his past achievements. That’s not allowed.
TooRedditFamous t1_ixifzhy wrote
He was hardly performing like it in the chances he was given. That's why he wasnt starting games
TooRedditFamous t1_ixig5uv wrote
Those are midfielders and he is a striker
BeKindBabies t1_ixihai4 wrote
Those are players on the leading scorers list, he out scored all but two of them.
[deleted] t1_ixii2xt wrote
kingharden13 t1_ixiigyk wrote
I dont watch football, Im a basketball fan and basketball is a team sport too but you dont see shit like that in NBA so thats why im confused why everybody is on Ronaldos head like that.. Manus record aint even that good to treat somebody like that
imanAholebutimfunny t1_ixim2el wrote
The drama between the coach and with certain players. This was supposed to be his retirement team in my opinion. Statistics aren't everything, but i understand where you are coming from.
dub_side t1_ixjwonj wrote
A lot of players have left United unhappy in recent years
Treeborg t1_ixkf7sn wrote
Is that why United do immensely better when he doesn't play vs when he does?
Treeborg t1_ixkfc72 wrote
Messi would come on as a sub for 3 minutes without a single question.
rayrayrex t1_ixdoujt wrote
Who could've seen this coming /s